Baby has not had a bowel movement in 3 days??

thread: Baby has not had a bowel movement in 3 days??

  1. Baby has not had a bowel movement in 3 days??


    Baby has not had a bowel movement in 3 days??


    My 4 week old breastfed baby has not had a bowel movement for 3 days now (and I have checked with my CHN about a week ago when he didn't have a poo for 2 days and she said that it can be normal for breastfed babies to not have bowel movements for 10 days sometimes and not to be concerned). He has between 6-10 wet diapers a day.

    He has been passing lots of wind/gas from his bottom and seems to be uncomfortable when doing so over the past 2 days. Is this normal? Could he have a sore tummy as he has not had a poo?

    Any help/tips/advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you
  2. Baby has not had a bowel movement in 3 days??


    My little girl would go up to a week without a poop. If your worried u could offer a little water in a bottle.
  3. Baby has not had a bowel movement in 3 days??


    From memory DD went about 11 or 13 days at around 4 weeks of age, hoooly did we pay for it when she did go though Its very normal in a BF baby I doubt its bothering him very much and have read babys can sometimes make a bit of song and dance when wind moves through their bowel even though its not so much hurting. HTH and well done on BFing for 4 weeks so far
  4. Baby has not had a bowel movement in 3 days??


    I was given the same info from my MCHN.

    Have you tried giving your bub a bit of a tummy massage when he seems to have some discomfort? Might just help everything move along a bit more easily for the poor little man.
  5. Baby has not had a bowel movement in 3 days??


    I was given the same info from my MCHN.

    Have you tried giving your bub a bit of a tummy massage when he seems to have some discomfort? Might just help everything move along a bit more easily for the poor little man.
    Thats what I would try. It may be wind.
    Its extremly unlikely that you baby would be constipated if full breastfer, up to 11 days can be not unusual and not constipated.

    There is no need to give your breastfed baby water, just feed more often if you think bub is thirsty - you drink the extra water.
  6. Baby has not had a bowel movement in 3 days??


    It is normal for bf babies to go up to 10 days without a poo, but not in the early weeks. When a baby goes for more than a day without a poo at under 8 weeks of age, it can be fine, but it can also be a sign of a problem.

    Breastmilk has a laxative effect, and it is not likely that your baby is constipated. The passing wind and discomfort is very normal - babies have very immature digestive systems and they are still getting used to everything. The biggest concern about no poos, is that the baby might not be getting enough milk. 6 - 10 wet nappies in 24 hours is a very good sign of enough milk though. Other things to take into account are weight gains and overall health including skin tone. If there are no other signs of insufficient milk, it's up to you whether you want to see a medical professional just in case. However if there are any other signs a visit to a doctor would be a good idea.

    All the best with it hun. The early weeks can be so confusing.