Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids

thread: Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids

  1. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids

    Once we have had our babies we all get advice of some sort good/bad and just plain outrageous LOL. What is the best or worst advice somebody has ever given you to help you in the raising of your baby/toddler/child

  2. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    Best advice i was given was by DP's mother. People will give you advice whether you think it good or bad. You can take it but don't have to agree with it. Just do what YOU think is right!
  3. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    My mum said essentially the same thing Tegan.

    "Everyone will give you advice including me, listen to it politely & then do what you want."
  4. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    I have to agree that is the best advice. Every one has an opinion on how to raise kids. Usually more so are the people without them. Listen (or pretend too) then do as you see fit.

    Take care
  5. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    My bests are pretty much the same as others so heres another best:

    No matter how much you love your kids at one point or another they are going to get on your nerves and that is completely OK! So don't feel guilty about it.

  6. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    Good Advice For Me

    "Aim to have more good days than bad........"

    "Go with your gut feeling as to what YOU think is best for your baby"

    "If at the end of the day you are all still alive, you are doing a good job"

    Bad Advice for Me

    "If a baby crys, they are naughty"

    "If your baby won't sleep it is because their needs are not being met"
  7. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    Worst Advice:

    It started as the usual question ; "is she a good baby?"

    I responded I have no idea because I haven't had another... and then she said. If she's not a good baby, you need to leave her alone more. That way she'll learn to be good.
  8. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    OMG Christy that's a load of bs! I mean if she's not good then she's bad right? but babies don't know how to be bad! Whoever told you that one needs to rethink their advice before they give it out again.
  9. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    OMG Christy thats insane!!!!!!

  10. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    I know and unfortunately it was a client at work otherwise I would have let her have it :-#
  11. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    the best advice i was given was to "sleep when they sleep" LOL
    oh and "mums know best so do whatever you think is right not what anyone else says"

    dont really think ive been given any bad advice really I'm sure I'll think of something

    take care
  12. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    omg Christy, thats so cruel it almost made me cry.
    One of the most annoying peices of advice I've been given was when Yasin woke up crying and hungry just as dinner was ready "feed yourself before your baby" :-s .
  13. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    I also like the 'sleep when they sleep advice.
    There is something else that someone once wrote on here 'No one has ever written a book on your baby'... it always made me feel better then when Aidyn wasn't conforming to what was written in those books...

    I can't remember any bad advice... moreso suggestions that I did not agree with...
    MIL had a lot of funny ideas from her traditional Chinese background, and was insistent that I should shave Aidyns head when he was born (WTF?) and some weird theories about a pure silver ring cooked in an egg being a cure for wind and just about everything else.
    I just smiled and nodded.....
  14. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    Ambah I think thats out of one of Pinky McKay's books... I agree thats great advice O
  15. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    I think the best advice is that "Mummy knows best" (i.e. basically what everyone else has said, that YOU know what is best for YOUR baby and that you should trust your instincts).

    The worst advice still makes my blood boil. It was something along the lines of dipping a dummy in whisky when your baby cries!!! WTF is THAT about?!?! And I was given this advice when Jacob was a matter of days old.........seriously!!!!
  16. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    exactly tootie! someone i know told me she used to dip her babies dummy's in brandy to make them sleep. this is the same woman that told me when i was procrastinating to have a glass of champagne at a wedding that she drank a heap of wine all through her pregnancy, and her daughter drank bourbon all the time!
  17. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    The worst advice still makes my blood boil. It was something along the lines of dipping a dummy in whisky when your baby cries!!! WTF is THAT about?!?! And I was given this advice when Jacob was a matter of days old.........seriously!!!!
    ok well i wasnt told it quite like that, i was told to dip it in brandy to help them go to sleep, and uhh i did it a few times when Joshua was 6 mths old 8-[ and well it did help him drift off to sleep, im not saying thats a good thing, only did it about 3 times and only because i wasnt coping i would of tried anything to get him to sleep

    i would never give him any other alcohol though, my ex's mum always gave him a sip from a wine glass despite my telling her not to

    take care
  18. Best/Worst Advice on Raising Kids


    Don't stress Lesley. My mum actually drank a little bit of brandy before breastfeeding to put my older sister to sleep. She did it a few times, but felt a guilty about it.