changes in poo's

thread: changes in poo's

  1. changes in poo's


    changes in poo's

    DD is 18months and has until recently had nice little solid poo's (which are great for cloth nappies because they just fall off into the loo!). But in the past fortnight, her poo's have become very loose. The only change in her diet I can think of is she has started eating cheerio's (a pg craving of mine so she gets them for brekkie too!).

    Is this change a normal thing? Or something to be concerned about?

  2. changes in poo's


    I can only think of.... has she got a cold or sick cos that can do it or is she possibly teething?
  3. changes in poo's


    She does have a cold now, but didn't last week, when I first noticed the change. She could be teething, but I'm not sure as otherwise she seems fine, not in pain or anything.