November 23rd, 2009 04:00 PM
DD Fell
Hi All,
DD Fell from the couch BANG onto the side of her ears. She was crying uncontrollably and when i put her down on to get some juice to calm her down she opened the drawers and chucked all the bowls on the floor.
After some juice she calmed down and i felt all around her but there is no pain (ie she didnt squirm). She then got onto her usual sleeping spot and is now asleep within 5 mins.
How do i know if there is internal bleeding? Is it normal to be chucking stuff in anger and going to sleep so quickly?
Should I take her to see the doc???
DD is 19mths.
Thanks all.
November 23rd, 2009 04:06 PM
Oh poor little chicken.
hmm.... if that behaviour is unusual for her and it's not her normal sleep time... I guess I'd be getting her checked out. Maybe ring the nurse help line and ask their opinion?
November 23rd, 2009 04:07 PM
i wouldnt have let her sleep so quickly if was my dd, but just go poke her see if she stirs as thats a good sign and ring a nurse or hospital or doctor and ask your questions
November 23rd, 2009 04:09 PM
It was kinda her sleep time but usually takes her longer than that to make her fall asleep
She had a little yelp just then but back to sleep.
Is there a way to see if her ear drums a damaged? She responds still when i call her
November 23rd, 2009 04:23 PM
I think she'd be in a fair bit of pain if her ear drum was damaged wouldn't she? If you're concerned, just make a phone call to your dr or the nurses on call. Better safe than sorry
Oh, and fwiw... my kids always have those falls just before sleep time... usually cos they are getting tired! and I'm always humming and harring whether to let them go to bed since it's bed time. Go with your gut, if you feel it's worth checking out... get it checked out.
November 23rd, 2009 04:38 PM
My DS had a bad fall off the seat in the train when it stopped suddenly and he fell backwards onto the floor head-first. Lucky the train was on-route to one of Melbourne's largest hospitals (1 stop after ours) so I made a bee-line to emergency. My son fell asleep in the pram on the way. When i got there the triage nurses didn't even bother waking him. They only asked me if he had cried when he hit the ground... I said "yes".... and they said that was good... they said the worst falls are when they hit and are then silent. Then after about 20 mins they said we could go... he didn't wake until we got home... i thought it was strange they would let us go.... but that's what happened. It was his usual nap time. Like Liz said kids so often have accidents right before nap time.
if there is any discharge (clear or bloody) coming from the ear then go straight to hospital. Otherwise just look for abnormal signs when she wakes up.
November 23rd, 2009 06:26 PM
Thank you ladies
She seems fine now. I felt around for pain areas but there are none. Poor baby!
thanks all!
November 24th, 2009 03:49 PM
Hope your bub is okay today.
I was going to reply yesterday but DD called for my attention and I had to leave in a rush.