Do you get sick when your LO gets sick?

thread: Do you get sick when your LO gets sick?

  1. Do you get sick when your LO gets sick?


    Do you get sick when your LO gets sick?

    I feel like I've never been so sick since having a child, especially with tummy stuff. Sunday and Monday Peter was off with a little tummy thing, and sure enough, this afternoon I was hugging the porceline. I feel freaking awful!

    Do you all tend to get sick a day or two after your LO gets sick as well? Or is my immune system seriously dodgey?!
  2. Do you get sick when your LO gets sick?


    BLEH you poor thing! I don't know about anyone else but if Jazz gets sick, I get sick. She had a gastro bug and yep, I got that. Shel didn't though, so maybe I'm not as healthy as I cuold be. I could certainly do with more rest! Maybe thats it? Because if Jazz is sick, its 99% of the time me up with her, so I probably run myself down and catch it.

    Jazz doesnt always get sick when I get sick though luckily!

    Hope it passes soon!
  3. Do you get sick when your LO gets sick?


    You poor thing .

    I tend to catch most things too, maybe I have a dodgy immune system too! There is nothing worse than being so sick you can't care for your child.

    I've gotten away without catching gastro from DS1 once or twice. But one time I caught it from him and ended up in an ambulance because I got badly dehydrated. Not good!

    Make sure you keep your fluids up, just sip slowly. Get some Gastrolyte if you can, it helps rehydrate you and helps you feel better quicker.

    I hope you feel better soon .
  4. Do you get sick when your LO gets sick?


    Oh honey!! I was just complaining to DH about this today! I'm over being sick especially lately! Oskar just got over a tummy bug and yep I got it too. This is actually my fourth one in the last 5 1/2 months! Oskar only gave me the last one. The thing is when the kiddies are sick they don't have the hygiene we have which is why we are more likely to catch it from them. They put their fingers in their mouths etc then touch us or things we then touch.

    I think the primary caregiver is more likely to catch it then the secondary (partner who works out of home) because they are not having so much close contact.

    Hope you feel better soon too!! Tummy bugs suck so bad and for some reason there seem to be heaps of them going around right now, not sure why but that's all I'm hearing lately!
  5. Do you get sick when your LO gets sick?


    I never seem to get sick when DS does. Just lucky I guess
  6. Do you get sick when your LO gets sick?


    For me, I would say I get sick with the boys 4 out of 5 times. Luckily the don't get sick that often.
  7. Do you get sick when your LO gets sick?


    Sometimes I get sick when DD does. But DD doesn't tend to get sick very often.
  8. Do you get sick when your LO gets sick?


    I'm the opposite. I never get sick. If I do it rarely wipes me out. Maybe once or twice a year I'll get something, but in the 7 years since having DD1I can only think of 3, maybe 4 times I have been wiped out, can't get out of bed sick. Well except morning sickness!
  9. Do you get sick when your LO gets sick?


    very rarely. I usually get sick (thats also rare) after the kids are better. Growing up I had lots of chest infections and colds ect and I always thought I would catch everything my kids do

    Last time we were all really sick was in May 08. A violent tummy bug went through our house (and everyone around our neighbourhood going by sounds) Dh and Ds1 got it first then Ds2 and 3 that afternoon. I finally got it late that night once everyone was asleep and on the mend.. and I only got it for 3 hours where as everyone else (except dd) got it for 6 hours.
  10. Do you get sick when your LO gets sick?


    Same here. All DS has to do is cough or sneeze near me and I'l be sick in the next day or two!

    I'm just glad he only gets colds and nothing worse..