Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...

thread: Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...

  1. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...

    DD wont sleep in her cot during the day, if she falls asleep in my arms i put her down, she wakes, so i pat her bum and she ends up wide awake laughing at me. Normally she falls asleep in her bouncer in the lounge room with me but i really want to get her out of that if possible.

    Sooo any hints or tips?
  2. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    I'm a lot more relaxed about day sleeps now than I used to be. If it was me I'd just let her sleep wherever she wanted to during the day at her age. But that's me! She's still quite little. What about a sling? Sorry if I'm not much help. Sleep is one of the most frustrating things with babies!! xx
  3. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    Thanks MS! I dont have a sling

    I dont really mind that she sleeps in the bouncer. Would just like her to sleep in her cot sometimes.

    Arg i keep getting caught up in what people tell me i 'should' be doing!! Then every now and then i think 'why?' and i stop listening then i start again..its like this circle that keeps going round and round! Hmmm
  4. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    Get a sling or some sort of carrier stat! Or just stick with the bouncer. She'll have a new 'thing' within the next week or so.
    And don't overthink things - if you're considering "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts" etc, then you're thinking too much.
  5. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    Have you tried putting her in when she's sleepy, but not actually asleep, and then giving her a pat? Might work, but might not?
  6. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    My girls didn't sleep for long in the early months so if they fell asleep I'd just leave them wherever they were. If it meant I was sitting on the couch I sat on the couch while they slept. They rarely slept longer than 40 min though. It wasn't until about 6 months old that I started to structure their sleeps a bit more but before then nothing I did worked. Anyway, is it possible to borrow a sling? Mine was a godsend. Don't listen to people who say you SHOULD be doing anything. The only thing you should be doing is going with your gut feeling If you're happy and she's happy why change anything? You're doing a great job. I'm sorry I don't have any solid advice. It's a hard ask to get a young baby to sleep full stop let alone in their cot xx
  7. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    hb, ive tried that she just ends up wide awake and laughing at me lol. Its quite cute haha.

    Ive been looking at slings on ebay, any recommendations?

    Thanks ladies xo
  8. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    If she's happy to sleep in her swing I say go with it. I have the same problem lately where if I put P down he will wake up. But I have found that if I swaddle him then he will go off to sleep within 5mins and generally has a 2hr+ sleep.
    Don't feel like she has to sleep in her cot during the day. I was actually told not to do that as that should be where he associates night time sleeps, so the advice is always different. P usually sleeps on the floor on a rug/blanket and it works for us.
  9. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    my dd who is 9 months (so dont know if this helps) she usualy only falls asleep ON me, the minute i think of putting her down she wakes. sometimes i can sneak her onto the couch next to the dog, or into my bed, but thats if im lucky, i dont even make it as far as her cot, get in her bedroom door and shes up laughing!
    with the boys, if i put a hot water bottle in there bed befor lying them down theyd be less likely to wake (pre-warmed so it wasnt such a shock of a cold bed..) i would do this with dd, but we never get that far!
    hope this helped.
  10. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    day sleeps were all over the place here until around 6 months. DS changed so many times in regards to what worked. he had a lot of sleeps in his pram bassinet & from somewhere around 4.5-5 months he wanted to sleep on me (i miss our joint afternoon naps now!)...i had one sling but DS didn't like it but if we're lucky enough to have #2, then i think i'd like a close carrier
  11. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    My opinion is do what works for you at the moment lol. My bub always slept in her rocker during the day it wasnt til just before 5months i started putting her in her cot for naps. She wwouldnt have huge sleeps and was so hard to get her to nap so I just left her there if she fell asleep or put her down there so i could rock her again if she stirred.
  12. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    Thanks ladies!!! Its good to see im not alone!
  13. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    Totally not alone. I'm reading with interest!

    DS currently still sleeping on me since 10am this morning. Gosh I need a wee and drink lol
  14. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    Get a sling or some sort of carrier stat! Or just stick with the bouncer. She'll have a new 'thing' within the next week or so.
    And don't overthink things - if you're considering "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts" etc, then you're thinking too much.

    I would love to have an off switch for the "shoulds" people decide to tell us.

    Can you transfer her bouncer to a quieter room if that would help her sleep longer? Otherwise just keep doing what you're doing...I always liked having DD close to me in the day. As others have said it wasn't utnil at LEAST 6 months that she started sleeping in her bed regularly during the day.
  15. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    You're definitely NOT alone - DS is also sleeping on me as I write this. I generally try to use his nap times as a chance to jump on the laptop or read a book. Just go with what works for you and your bub
  16. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    I've bought myself a close carrier this time. Also have a hug-a-bub, which was great with DS, but a bit fiddly at first.
    A nice big stretchy ring sling woudl be good too - very versatile. dunno what brands are best though. there's a baby carrier forum area somewhere...
  17. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    Another fussy day sleeper here. Have borrowed a baba sling from a friend off here actually (thanks det!!) and it's been a life saver. Also loving my ergo.
  18. Help/ advice needed with day sleeps...


    I dont have the best back, do you all think id still be ok with a sling?