DD is so sick. She has a temp, a nasty cough is shakey and generally miserable!
I took her temp before and it was 37.4 but she feels SO hot. I have gotten a little neurofen into her and some water or juice and a piece of toast so far today.
I gave her a quick luke warm bath she didnt stay in to long as she was upset and coughing and gagging.
She is now asleep on the couch under the fan with a light rug on her, she is moaning in her sleep which is a sure fire sign she is sick.
She has had a wet nappy and I am grtting some fluids into her when I can.
What else can I do for her??
I feel so helpless and worried. My mum and dad have had the same thing this week and I am coughing and feel crook but no temp as yet.
I dont know how to help her!