My baby has a big head!

thread: My baby has a big head!

  1. My baby has a big head!


    My baby has a big head!

    DS is a small baby (10th percentile for length and weight) always has been, he's perfectly healthy and i'm a small person and DH is tall and skinny so it doesn't concern me too much but his head just keeps getting bigger and bigger. When he was born it was in the 50th percentile, 75th at 4 months and now 90th at 6 months. I know those charts are just a guide and the MCHN hasn't expressed any concerns but it is really starting to bother me a little...should i be worried? DH and I don't have overly large heads!

  2. My baby has a big head!


    If you are worried about it get someone to look at it.

    Maybe start with your GP and go in with all the figures and ask them if there is anything to be concerned about.
  3. My baby has a big head!


    I think the only time they worry is if the measurements are out of proportion (eg 90th %ile height, 10th %ile weight), but not sure if this applies to HC? If you're worried take him to the doc & ask for a paed referral. I'm sure it's probably fine and he's just got a nice big brain in there, but it might help ease your mind.
  4. My baby has a big head!


    Both of my boys have had large head circumference and by 3 months were literally off the charts.

    Both were referred to a paed (initially for other reasons) who tracked their growth (DS1 until 12 months, DS2 is only 4 months old and we have to go back in 3 months time) and both boys had u/sounds and xrays to rule out any nasties (extra fluid around the brain mainly).

    If you are concerned, speak to your MCHN or GP about getting some u/sounds done.

    In our case, both boys have been fine, they just have huge heads, as does their father and me too apparently In our case their heads were pretty well in proportion with their bodies and all their other measurements (weight, length etc ) were at least 90th percentile.
  5. My baby has a big head!


    DD1 was 50th percentile for height, 10th for weight and 90th for head from 6 to 18 months - she's fine, just comes from a long line of big heads
  6. My baby has a big head!


    My kids are the opposite - they travel around the 50-75th percentiles for weight and height but have tiny heads that barely make the bottom of the charts. I have a small head too though, when I was shopping for a bike helmet the only one that would fit had Dorothy the Dinosaur on it lol
  7. My baby has a big head!


    Don't worry I just got DS 12 month health check and he is 30%tile for weight, 50%tile for height and 90%tile for head circ.... You're not the only one, my GP has said its a great thing!!!
  8. My baby has a big head!


    I'd get it checked JIC. Maybe just talk to your gp, at least to put your mind at rest. I personally would be more worried about HC than height/weight.
    I'm sure all is fine & he just has a big boof head filled with loads of smart brain cells! lol