My little one was supposed to go to bed at 7pm ish and stay there. She used to sleep through til around 12, have a feed and back to sleep. Another feed at 3 or 4.
Her days have never had a sleep routine. Sometimes she won't sleep at all. But her nights used to be pretty good.
Tonight she had bath, feed, fell asleep feeding. I was carrying her and she woke again and fed from the other side and then fell asleep again. Took her down to her cot. 20 mins later, she was awake. Tried settling her in the cot but didn't work. Got her up again. She in now hyper and rolling all over the floor.
This is happening more often these days. i know she is tired. (i sure am)
DH thinks she is too reliant on me to get to sleep. She is certainly a Mama's girl at the moment but i think he doesn't try as much lately either.
I'm getting some 'advice' on controlled crying and even DH questioned today if maybe we should try CC. i haven't seen any reason for why i would want to try it, and 2) DD is quite strong willed and i think we would have to 'break' her will to get it to work and i don't want to do that.
However, i do need to do something cos its not working for me.
DD was sleeping in a hammock until recently. She would spend the first part of the night in that and then feed in our bed and either stay or go back to her bed.
She has started rolling and i wasn't comfortable with continuing with the hammock, i also wondered whether she might sleep better in the cot because she was starting to prefer the big bed to the hammock, even if we weren't in the big bed. So we moved her cot into our room. She has slept in it before for day sleeps when DH has been on night shift. Transition is not going well.
gotta go be back later to finish