Sleep Issues

thread: Sleep Issues

  1. Sleep Issues


    Sleep Issues

    I will come back in a bit and post more about what is happening in here. Right now I just need some encouragement and comfort in that this sleeping thing (or lack of) will too pass. right now Miss S has me so worn out that i'm in tears and feel like nothing Im doing is good enough or working. I'm sick so I know i'm less patient but right at the moment i'm having trouble coping with such a demanding child.

    Please please please Miss S will you STOP screaming and just go to sleep!!!

    Ok... so she doesn't have any particular routine, i'm happy for her to set her own routine, I BF on demand. I have wrapped her since she was born and still do as a last resort because there are time shes sleep heaps better when she isn't wrapped. She is a very demanding baby who just wants to know that there is someone around. When I go back in to settle her i just put my hand on her and she settles again. then I walk back out again. She is constantly like this and I am exhausted. We have been co sleeping part time for the last 3 months while Miss J has had sleep issues (what is it with my kids!!!!) so I get that she is used to having someone around. How can i break this cycle??
    Last edited by BrightSparkles; October 31st, 2010 at 06:52 AM. : Added info.
  2. Sleep Issues


    I wish I had the magic answer, but I don't. It will pass, and it will get easier, I hope that happens sooner than later for you all and you get some much needed rest
  3. Sleep Issues


    Arggh. We went through that for months with DD1. She's now almost 2 & sleeps as well as or better than other kids her age - so that's proof that it can all change, even for the worst sleepers. But, it does take time. She was a bad sleeper from birth until she was about 1.
    Unfortunately, all you can really do is get help when you can so you can rest, try to be consistent with bub's settling so eventually they learn that a certain routine means it's time for sleep (this takes time, patience & perseverance which you just might not have for now) and just try to ride it out. It WILL get better. It's just a matter of you staying sane until it does! Hopefully it's not too long for you.
  4. Sleep Issues


    Sunshine - massive hug for you. Screaming can really do your head in and it all gets a bit much sometimes. I hope you are able to find something that works for both you and Sheridan. And also, feel better soon, being sick sucks. Xx