Welcome to the BellyBelly General Baby and Toddler Discussion.
When you have a brand new baby - or maybe an older child, you often have so many questions. Often well meaning people, like family and friends give advice which you might not agree with! There are many things that you will want to know about!! Ask away!!
Your Moderators of this forum are:
Teeki - Moderator
Your Administrator of this forum is Astrolady. You can contact her by email or if you prefer one of the moderators.
Moderating Team Contact Details
If at any time you'd like to make a suggestion (which we always welcome!), provide any feedback for this forum or make a complaint, please contact her by email or if you prefer one of the moderators.
We appreciate all your feedback as it does help to make our forums a much happier, relaxed place to chat! Your comments will be taken seriously and treated with confidentiality, so please feel free to contact us anytime!
The moderators are all mothers and have children of varying ages. There are also many other BellyBelly members that have been through the trials and tribulations of raising children and might even have had similar experiences or are experiencing similar situations or thoughts as you. Please feel free to ask any questions - even if you think that they might be "silly" - you will be amazed at how many ladies are probably wanting to ask the same thing but are to scared to ask!!
You might also like to have a browse through the articles for Baby on the main site! You can go directly there by clicking HERE. New articles are added every month or two, so keep an eye out for new articles too!
Best wishes to you we hope that you have a wonderful, joyous time raising your beautiful children.