What does your 2 year old eat?

thread: What does your 2 year old eat?

  1. What does your 2 year old eat?


    What does your 2 year old eat?

    My DS is nearly 2 and is a very picky eater. At dinner time he will freak out if there is mashed potato on his plate and will pick out all the vegetables and eat only the packet pasta (not the best option but at least it's food). He will eat weetbix at breakfast, sometimes a sandwich, multigrain wraps (with nothing on them), banana, apple and yogurt. That's about the extent of his diet. Oh and he does eat choc chip muesli bars thanks to his older brothers 😊

    What are/were your kids eating at this age? It doesn't seem like he has much variety that's all. And won't go near vegetables or fruit other than apple and banana.

  2. What does your 2 year old eat?


    Re: What does your 2 year old eat?

    Two year olds are tough. Both our girls were/are fussy at 2. Our DD2, who is 2.5 yrs, has quite a varied diet but often doesn't eat much for breakfast and skips lunch or dinner! She snacks a bit though and certainly eats when she's really hungry but she's pretty fussy and too busy to sit still.

    Her diet is definitely varied though and she will eat the following happily:
    - Weetbix
    - rice bubbles
    - porridge
    - toast and crumpets
    - scrambled eggs
    - sandwiches and wraps (ham & cheese, Vegemite & cheese, peanut butter, chicken & avocado)
    - zucchini slice
    - capsicum, cherry tomatoes, avocado, cucumber carrot, corn, broccoli, roast potatoes
    - grilled fish (salmon is a fave) and baked, crumbed fish
    - spag bog
    - chicken - roast, bbq, nuggets, schnitzels
    - pork - roast, grilled
    - Mexican tacos & wraps
    - yoghurt (she loves Squeezies!)
    - cheese
    - all nuts
    - popcorn, crackers
    - dried fruit - sultanas, apricots
    - fruit - mandarins, apple, bananas, strawberries, rockmelon, watermelon, grapes

    Hope that helps. Two year olds are interesting little characters!
  3. What does your 2 year old eat?


    Re: What does your 2 year old eat?

    So far Spock is a fantastic eater, she will give anything and everything a try, if she doesn't like it she spits it out but will at least try. Her most fave things are, tomatos, olives, strawberries and pasta.
  4. What does your 2 year old eat?


    Re: What does your 2 year old eat?

    My DS (just turned 2) is sometime such a fusspot and others hoovers down what ever is in front of him.

    He will eat any meat,
    carrots, pumpkin, corn (Creamed corn is like liquid food gold here),
    vegemite, peanut butter or ham and chesse sandwiches
    cheese (another golden food)
    mild curries
    spag bol
    pasta of pretty much any type

    he hates green vegetables, tomatoes and lettuce, cauliflower.

    We give him whatever we are eating and he will generally pick out what he doesn't like and put it aside/dump it on the table, and eat what he does like. I do try and put at least 1 or 2 things that I know he will eat, just to encourage him to try the other stuff on the plate. Sometime he will sometimes he won't, and if in doubt I cover it in creamed corn and he gobbles it down.
  5. What does your 2 year old eat?


    Re: What does your 2 year old eat?

    I'm onto my third 2yo, and they've all been different.
    Dd1 went from a tiny girl who ate everything to a really fussy 2yo and has gone on to eat vast quantities of lots of things.
    Dd2 eats everything. She always has (she's currently 2).
    DS however only ate about 5 things until about 12 months ago. He's 5. At that age it was only white food except potato. White bread, rice crackers, apple without the skin...very few things....very very frustrating.
    Now at 5 he's finally trying new things. We've added strawberries, watermelon, bananas, meat and quite a few veggies, cheese even. He's always been a sensory kiddo and I think texture is a big deal for him. When you add in the senses of taste and smell, sometimes he got overwhelmed. Letting him choose and play with food at his own pace has helped.
    Fwiw he was introduced to food the same way as his sisters, same approach, just a totally different kid.
  6. What does your 2 year old eat?


    Re: What does your 2 year old eat?

    Thanks for the replies. I'm glad there are a few different eating habits out there. This little fee low of mine is very different to my other boys at this age. He won't eat anything if there is mashed potato on his plate. He screams and throws his fork and spoon and just whooshes his arms across the table until everything has cleared. He only ate purée food for ages and will still eat different fruits that are puréed so maybe it is more texture related. He is very sensory too so I wouldn't be surprised if he were like your DS Kim. I try to get him exposed to different foods but he just flips his head back and screams or throws the food straight to the ground. Frustrating little man is doing my head in - our kitty loves to sit under his chair though so at least someone is happy!
  7. What does your 2 year old eat?


    Re: What does your 2 year old eat?

    I know this goes against the grain of lots of parents, but have you tried offering him a plate of various bits and pieces in a place that's not at the table? Maybe on his own little table, or on a picnic blanket outside for example? Might be 'funner' (), less threatening.

    I used to be so desperate for DS to eat I'd leave random plates of food everywhere in the hope he'd try them. Obviously you can't do that with pets around, but just offering some empathy.