Titles for Birth Announcements

thread: Titles for Birth Announcements

  1. Titles for Birth Announcements


    Exclamation Titles for Birth Announcements

    Hi guys,

    Just to make it a bit easier for some of th lists that we update, we'd like to have the date of birth put into the birth announcement threads. So when you are announcing a birth, can you please post the title as follows -

    21 July 2007 ~ Shannon's fourth princess has arrived
    26 June 07 ~ Mum2Bee's little BOY has arrived

    We're not fussed on what's after the date, just need the date first

    Thanks everyone.
  2. Titles for Birth Announcements


    Whoops!!! Sorry i just posted a birth announcement for Roryrory... i didn't realise there was a new rule... so sorry! Could a Mod please add today's date to the thread title? ta
  3. Titles for Birth Announcements


  4. Titles for Birth Announcements


    wow have never seen this before, makes sense though
  5. Titles for Birth Announcements


    I've just been through the first 5 pages of this forum... I think about 80% of them needed dates! Much easier to keep track of, later.
  6. Titles for Birth Announcements


    Sorry! I've posted 3 in the last month or so, and no dates! Makes sense to help keep things organised though.
  7. Titles for Birth Announcements


    Oh, I didn't know! I dint think input one on mine... I'll see if I can edit it.
  8. Titles for Birth Announcements


  9. Titles for Birth Announcements


  10. Titles for Birth Announcements

