10 Month Mammas! 42 Weeks and Counting... Tips for Post-Dates Mammas.

thread: 10 Month Mammas! 42 Weeks and Counting... Tips for Post-Dates Mammas.

  1. 10 Month Mammas! 42 Weeks and Counting... Tips for Post-Dates Mammas.


    Thumbs up 10 Month Mammas! 42 Weeks and Counting... Tips for Post-Dates Mammas.

    A great post for 42 week mammas.

    42 Weeks and counting (loving overdue babies) | Gloria Lemay

    42 Weeks and Counting (loving overdue babies)
    Posted on April 7, 2009 by gloria

    Carrying a baby to 42 weeks and beyond has become such a big deal in our culture. In a healthy pregnancy, carrying the baby longer is a good sign and results in a baby that sucks well and is ready for extra uterine life. This is the information that I give to mothers who are being harassed by family and/or friends to “do something”.

    Melissa wrote: WOW 42 weeks! Boy do I recall that like it was yesterday. (My newest & most “late” babe is now 4 months old!) I, too, carried my daughter to 42 weeks. (my third). After giving birth to my first at 40 weeks to the day, and my second at 37 weeks, I thought I was in for another “pre-due-date” babe. NOPE. I was miserable, feeling like I was 5 weeks overdue, instead of 2. And at the time, I thought I was going to be the first pregnant woman in history to NEVER give birth! I was starting to think that something must be wrong. I
    mean after all, I had done ALL the remedies, tinctures, homeopathics, and even Castor Oil! And NOTHING moved me past 50% effaced and 3 cm. I was that for 3 weeks! So I am not trying to discourage you, rather to give you words of encouragement…Here are the articles/tidbits that I read that touched me SO MUCH (along with reading and re-reading Psalms 139, since HE knows when this babe will be born, and EVERY detail of its life). Hope this all helps you both to trust in Him and find peace within your body.

    God Bless!!!

    ~Melissa H; Wife, Mother of 3 Girlies, CBE, Doula & aspiring Midwife


    Dear Baby, here beneath my heart,
    I thought that you might come today;
    The timing seemed just right.

    But the stars are out
    And the moon is high
    And sheepishly I wonder why
    I try to arrange the plans
    Of God.

    For now I know
    You will not come
    Until the One who holds eternity
    Rustles your soft cocoon
    And whispers in tones that I will not hear,
    “It’s time, precious gift.”

    “Now it’s time.”

    -by Robin Jones Gunn. Thanks to Lara Nabours for passing this poem on.

    Tips for Ten Month Mamas
    Written by Leilah McCracken

    a. AVOID SUGAR. This cannot be overstressed - sudden drastic peaks in maternal blood sugar can harm a baby. (I even know of one baby who died in utero after his mom, at 43 weeks with undiagnosed gestational diabetes, ate two ice cream sundaes). Drink no fruit juice either, and avoid the simple sugars found in refined foods, like white flour products.

    b. Eat lots of high quality protein foods, and keep your blood iron levels high.

    c. Eat lots of dark leafy greens for the nutrients, and to fight constipation.

    d. No drugs! (including alcohol and “natural herbals” that are smoked).

    e. Remember to exercise - swimming is best.

    f. If you can’t sleep, use that time to write, draw, paint, look at the night sky - connect with your creative and spiritual side.

    g. Remember that the fruit that is taken before it is ripe is hard, bitter, and not able to bear seeds well that will propagate new life. Adding chemicals to ripen fruit leads to an inferior product as well. And when fruit is chemically treated to appear ripe, it tends to rot from the inside (right at the pit) outwards. This bizarre process is like how the effect of induction agents eat right through the posterior fornix of the cervix, causing back wall ruptures of the uterus.

    h. Trust in your body, trust in your birth. Nature is brilliant; human minds are flawed.

    i. Avoid people who give you fear “vibes” - even your mother.

    j. Set your answering machine so your phone only rings once, and give updates in your message, if you like. DON’T PICK UP THE PHONE if you’re feeling weak and sad inside - an invitation to callous people to start to hassle you!

    k. Connect with other ten month mamas - we are few and far between with the current induction epidemic, but we do exist - and can offer great support to each other.

    l. Rest if you want, walk if you want, eat if you want - do what feels right (as long as that doesn’t involve chocolate bars).

    m. Have lots of orgasms. They are relaxing, and wonderful for preparing your body for birth.

    n. Some women like to drink red raspberry leaf tea (I never bother, personally).

    o. For most women, long pregnancies are safer and healthier than labor inductions - which carry far greater risks in and of themselves. If confronted by hostile people, tell them that labor inductions are dangerous, unproven, and put you and your baby at risk of a hazardous cascade of interventions - possibly leading to c-section. Also tell them that your baby is smart enough to pick her own birthday.

    p. Remember that your body was smart enough to conceive, and then grow a child beautifully; it is also smart enough to know when it is the right time to give birth.

    ************************************************** ********

    Proud Mama Apple Tree, letting her babies grow

    “Babies really need to ‘ripen’ in their own way - regardless of whether that fits an arbitrary timetable or not.

    Imagine a tree filled with apples. Now we all know that some apples ripen early, many at the same time, some much later - we all know about how one apple will just stay on the tree for days and days - even weeks - after all the others have fallen off. I have personally waited for apples like that - and gently shaking the tree has no effect on getting them to come off. Whacking the apple with a stick would make it fall off… but the apple would not be at its most delectable. So- I wait, and my reward is a sweet, big, juicy apple.

    Well hitting the apple to get it off before its ripe time is like inducing a baby because of ‘postdates’- making it be born just because other babies mature earlier. And I would rather get hit as a baby than be made to be born before my time, before my systems and brain have ‘ripened’ to what they need to be for my own optimal health and wellbeing. Induction is a grave insult to the baby.

    My own babies are like those apples that take so long to come off. I wait and I wait - and when the time is right, my babies come down to me - as perfect as their internal schedules dictate they should be. And, writing this in my tenth month of my tenth pregnancy, I’m proud to be that strong, healthy mama apple tree - and I will nourish my newest baby as long as he or
    she needs.” - Leilah McCracken, March, 2002


    God knows babies
    “I’ve come to realize that a God who is big enough to so perfectly form
    little eyes and ears and a little round nose and a heart and lungs and every
    single part of a little person is certainly big enough to work out the
    details of their coming into the world.” -Vicki in Mars, PA

    Babies mature at their own rate
    “Some babies take longer to bake. Just think about babies’ development after
    birth: there is great variation in when they reach certain milestones of
    growth, activity, achievement, etc. Why do we expect them to all mature at
    the same rate in utero?”

    Lovely blossoms open when they’re ready
    “Attending births is like growing roses. You have to marvel at the ones that
    just open up and bloom at the first kiss of the sun, but you wouldn’t dream
    of pulling open the petals of the tightly closed buds, and forcing them to
    blossom to your time line. ” -Gloria Lemay

    Letting births happen in their own time
    “There is a sort of chemical ‘combination lock’ that starts labor.
    Everything has to be lined up just right to ‘unlock’ a good labor pattern.
    When we interfere with that, it can be as frustrating as using the wrong
    combination of numbers to open a locked safe.” -Midwife Gail Hart, “The
    Birthkit”, Autumn 2000
    Last edited by BellyBelly; March 30th, 2011 at 01:13 PM.
    Kelly xx

    Creator of BellyBelly.com.au, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  2. 10 Month Mammas! 42 Weeks and Counting... Tips for Post-Dates Mammas.


    What a nice thread
  3. 10 Month Mammas! 42 Weeks and Counting... Tips for Post-Dates Mammas.


    Was just looking at this blog..
    I didn't read it all though.. I wonder if some sections belong in the christian section....
  4. 10 Month Mammas! 42 Weeks and Counting... Tips for Post-Dates Mammas.


    With my DS, we went to 43w2d and now I am expecting number two, I am not worried. Going by LMP, I am due 16th August 2011. All three of the pregnancies that I have had ultrasounds with, have shown my babies measuring two weeks behind. My dating scan has me at the 31st August 2011. I believe that my LMP is the most accurate in determining the age of my baby but only my body will be accurate in predicting my actual due date. Belief is that you are not allowed to go beyond 14days "overdue" so I am lucky that I measure behind otherwise I would not have been able to go into labour naturally with DS. This time, I have had the 13th of September come to me and so I was chatting to my midwife about what will happen if I have not given birth by the 14th. She informed me that I do not have to be induced but I will have very regular checkups to make sure that both bub and the placenta are doing fine. With this monitoring, assuming that everything stays fine, I will be able to birth whenever my body sees fit. This has greatly assured me. I do not know why I am so at peace with letting things run their course this time as I was so angry with how far I was let to go over last time but I am glad that it happened and I cannot wait for this new and exciting experience of a flowing birth
  5. 10 Month Mammas! 42 Weeks and Counting... Tips for Post-Dates Mammas.


    Thank you so much for those beautiful words - much needed right now after a negative hospital appointment ... at only 40 + 2!!
  6. 10 Month Mammas! 42 Weeks and Counting... Tips for Post-Dates Mammas.


    Thank you for your positive words. Having carried my son to 41+6, and currently sitting at 41+3 with my daughter, it can be hard to remain patient when all you want to do is share your good news and cuddle your baby, but knowing that the best outcome is achieved by waiting patiently, I can wait some more.
  7. 10 Month Mammas! 42 Weeks and Counting... Tips for Post-Dates Mammas.


    And also knowing that they're so much easier to look after when they're in than out also helps!!! LOL. Take care FarmGirl, she will be here before you know it.
  8. 10 Month Mammas! 42 Weeks and Counting... Tips for Post-Dates Mammas.


    42 weeks today

    This thread is great. Ive been searching the web for mums that have gone to 42 or longer. We're about to have our 7th and never gone this long. Im a little scared because of what all the doctors tell you about overdue babies. Its nice to know others have been there.
  9. 10 Month Mammas! 42 Weeks and Counting... Tips for Post-Dates Mammas.


    12 days over today, great article has helped me stress a little less
  10. 10 Month Mammas! 42 Weeks and Counting... Tips for Post-Dates Mammas.


    This is another good article to go hand in hand with this one

    "Sorry, you're not in labour..."
    Kelly xx

    Creator of BellyBelly.com.au, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team