Thinking about a doula or private midwife? If you have any questions about using doulas or midwives, join us!
Planning a homebirth, waterbirth, breech birth or lotus birth? Curious about any of these? Feel free to share advice and support others here!
Induction of labour can be a life saver. But sadly, we know from statistics that induction is at a highly unacceptable rate. If you would like information or to chat about induction, ask here.
Labour doesn't end with the birth of the baby, it ends with the third stage - the birth of the placenta! If you have any questions about third stage, e.g. cord blood, cord clamping, vitamin K injections or the 'fourth stage' of post-birth bonding, join in!
Caesarean discussion and support for those who may need or have had a caesarean. Got some questions or something you'd like to discuss? Share here.
Birth stories! Would you like to share or read birth stories? No matter if you are mum, dad or grandparent, share your birth stories here.
This forum is to help keep the masses of birth related articles and clips that I post in one place - the birth forums are getting too crowded!
Are you passionate about birth issues in Australia and/or around the world? Join in this forum if you would like to share discussions or information with like-minded people.