Abraham Hicks on pain in childbirth - great read!

thread: Abraham Hicks on pain in childbirth - great read!

  1. Abraham Hicks on pain in childbirth - great read!


    Abraham Hicks on pain in childbirth - great read!

    I saw this on YouTube some time ago and posted it to my FB profile, but now I can't find it, but found the transcript instead.

    "Woman 2: Well, the whole process of labor… If I manifest that I want it to be not so intense and painful…

    Abraham: It’s interesting. Have you ever seen a movie about someone giving birth? Probably not, on your planet! Sarcasm doesn’t suit us either, does it? (Laughter.) What we are playing with is that the normal thought around the idea of birth is one of discomfort, to say the least. But if our friend can fly, and he can, you certainly should be able to give birth painlessly.

    But you can’t do it by beating the drum that everybody else has been beating. You have to find another way of telling the story. We would say, “I’m about to experience the most exhilarating thing that I can think of. I’m about to give birth to another who is coming forth from Source! So I have to focus on all of the energy that is swirling around that. Talk about an avalanche of well-being! I know that I have trillions of cells in my body, and they all know what to do. So in an attitude of relaxing and letting go, my intention during this birth process is to release resistance.”

    You want to practice that thought before the time of delivery begins. Think about those who you’ve heard about who have given birth quickly and easily. Think about those who’ve given birth, and not made such a big deal about it. Think about the intelligence of the being coming forth. Fast forward past the birth process, and think about the relationship that you are embarking upon. Think about the pure, positive energy that is coming forth, and the influence that it will have in your experience. Think about the deliciousness of the co-creation that you will have. Think about your body knowing exactly what to do. Think about relaxing with no discomfort. Lie in your bed in the morning and at night, and revel in the perfection of relaxing. Think about the magnificence of this process. Appreciate your Inner Being, and the Inner Being of the infant coming forth. Talk to them about the wonderful delivery, and the time of welcoming that you know that you will experience. Talk to yourself often about how the reality of your experience is only about your ability to focus. Practice diverting your eyes from unwanted things. Say to your Inner Being, “I want All That I Am to be present in this birth experience.”

    When you’re in tune with who you are, things smell better. Things taste better. Your capacity to experience life is divine! Say, “I’m not just going to see and hear the world through the eyes and ears of Source; I’m going to give birth to Source through the being of Source!” There is no resistance whatsoever in that. Nothing in all of the Universe should be easier, with all of this pre-paving. Think about the vortex of creation that has been swirling. You’ve just got to get into the vortex. Say to yourself every day, “I’m going to be tuned in-tapped in-turned on. I’m going to be in vibrational alignment with the energy that is being born through me. Nothing within me is resisting this birth, or this energy. I’m open and ready.” And you are."
    Kelly xx

    Creator of BellyBelly.com.au, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  2. Abraham Hicks on pain in childbirth - great read!


    Also adding this which I found also from Abrahams:

    "We promise you that if you were living in the environment where the
    subject of pregnancy and giving birth was allowed to be the natural
    process that it really is, that few of you would ever experience
    anything that you would call discomfort in the process. In other
    words, your labors would be shorter if there was no resistance. The
    experience of pain within the process of giving birth would be much
    less if there were not resistance.
    You've all seen too many movies and you've all listened to too much
    information about it
    and so you have yourself tensed about it so much so that even though
    it's all these months ahead today you're worried about what it's
    gonna be."

    "We've counseled several who have been ready to give birth and not
    all but most of them have expressed afterword a pain-free delivery
    because they've learned how to flow energy so there is not

    "How much time do you spend on a day to day basis organizing the
    formation of this baby that is growing inside of you? Not any! In
    other words, it's not something that you're orchestrating from this
    physical perspective. We really want you to hear that, in other
    words, on Wednesdays you don't work on the fingers, and on Thursdays
    on the toes. In other words, you acknowledge that there is a knowing
    that is going on within you of the perfect creation and formation of
    this perfect little body. In other words, it is being orchestrated at
    another level of your beingness and it's not something that you have
    to think about or give thought to here.

    The giving birth is the same thing. Your body knows what to do. Every
    cell in your body is vibrationally readying itself for this birthing
    process. The cells of the fetus and the cells of your body are all in
    the perfect position and getting readier every day, they all know
    what they're doing. Trust it. All you have to do is stay out of the
    way. And the way you stay out of the way is by being happy. The way
    you get in the way is by being sad. The way you stay out of the way
    is by appreciating and basking and acknowledging positive aspects.
    The way you get in the way is by worrying and fretting...
    you can tell by the way you feel relative to this or any subject
    whether you are in the way of it or whether you're flowing with it
    you see. So you have a lot of time, perfect time, really, between now
    and then to flow with the perfection of all that is happening here."
    Kelly xx

    Creator of BellyBelly.com.au, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  3. Abraham Hicks on pain in childbirth - great read!


    Oh yes! Fabulous & I so so so resonate with what he says.
  4. Abraham Hicks on pain in childbirth - great read!


    this is amazing! it has summed up how i felt about my last birth; the way that birthing Marta was just simply filled with excitement, antcipation and most beautiful of all: sheer JOY. both of my midwives commented how relaxed and jovial i was when Marta was coming down, and all i can say to that is, is because i just allowed my body (and hers of course!) to do all the work so that my concious mind could be left to just revel in the awesomeness of bringing into this world my beautiful baby daughter. i'll treasure forever the memory of her crowning, my hand reaching down to hold her for the first time (how awesome is it to feel that soft head coming through??!!) and just laughing: laughing with joy.
    something that i didnt realise would happen was the way that i was able to talk to Marta at that time. as i felt her coming down and crowning i found myself just gently talking to her, telling her i love her and that it's ok and also gently cheering her on! i remember saying 'come on baby girl, you can do it, it's ok'. it's one of my most precious memories.

    **** Read also wrote of a similar approach to birth, where as a OB student he witnessed a young womans first birth and he was shocked at how calm and happy she was and later he asked her if it had hurt, and she replied: 'no. was it meant to?' AH-MAZ-ING!

  5. Abraham Hicks on pain in childbirth - great read!


    As a tried and tested x2 hypnobirthing chick, the above also resonates 100pc with me. Before DS1's birth, I felt so calm and capable of birthing him drug free and naturally - there was no anxiety or nerves about labour - just happy anticipation and curiosity. With DS2 I knew what to expect during labour and, again, I had confidence in my body's ability to birth naturally. Both my boys births' were incredible experience, and without sounding smug ... after knowing that I could achieve the natural births I wanted I was (and am) incredibly proud of myself. I try to convey to other mums preparing to birth their babies naturally that they can birth the way they want easily, but I've always felt there's a very fine line between encouragement and zealousness. I was also prepared for any turn my babies births might have taken - I wasn't anti-help if it was truly required - but fortunately I had straightforward births which were only 7-8 hours from start to finish.

    There are so many traumatic and/or "gory" birth stories out there IRL - I gently try where appropriate (and where welcome) to tell the other side of the birthing story. Some mums-to-be get very tired of hearing "stay relaxed, stay focused and trust your body" ... but not truer words can be spoken of birth.
  6. Abraham Hicks on pain in childbirth - great read!


    Great read. Love Abraham and its nice to hear the message about birth.
  7. Abraham Hicks on pain in childbirth - great read!


    Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that men even consider writing about birth?
  8. Abraham Hicks on pain in childbirth - great read!


    Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that men even consider writing about birth?
    That was my first thought too!!