Ok so I had by 37/38 week apt yesturday.
I've put 2 other topics up so those might help set this topic up.
Anyway, baby is 7.6lbs and lined up perfect. Her head is even turned so her face is facing my back. She's engaged big time also. I didn't get checked as I'm being induced the 19th if my apt Monday is ok.
I am having contractions but irreg. they showed up on my monitor.
I remember with my 12 yr old I felt horrible right around the time I hit 3-4 cm. I felt like I had a cold. But once I got pit to be induced I felt ok.
Yesturday my throat hurt off and on but I felt ok. Today my throat hurts off and on but now I'm stuffy. I'm sneezing a lot to. I've had more energy like being about to clean my 2 tr olds room, swept 2 times, picked up out master room and the living room. Normally I can't do more than sweep. Needless to say I'm wiped out now.
I've been having contractions on and off but the sharpness hurts more. It feels like period cramps plus horrid gas pains at once.
My np told me any time..