Just wondering if there are any others who have had quicks labours & births that have left you feeling a bit down?
DD was born 3 months ago and it was super quick. Waters broke at 6am, contractions started at 7am. But they were super mild and I barely registered them they were so far apart. Hospital at 9am for what I thought was a quick check (as I suspected my waters had mecc in them, which they did), contractions were getting a little stronger but nothing bad or seemingly regular. 10.30 everything ramped up and they came thick and fast. Immense pressure, lots of bite to the contractions. Asked DF to call the midwife back as I wanted to be checked, I couldnt go through hours of that pain! I was 8cm! 12.37pm DD was born! (I was treated amazingly by the midwives with me too, they treated me with such respect with my wishes to keep things natural)
And I never got that big rush of empowerment. I felt out of control, my hpynobirthing techniques went out the window and I got through each contraction through pure instinct, begged for drugs (even though I didnt really want them haha)/yelled/swore/done whatever I needed to. I couldnt get in the zone at all, I couldnt get my head in it properly. I had to take each contraction as it came. I was in denial I think that it was happening so quick. And then I felt awful that I didnt get that sense of joy and empowerment. I felt DD's head as she was crowning, and from then it was amazing despite her coming out with her shoulders sideways (ouch!). No troubles bonding with her or anything. It was just before that point that got me down. It took me a good few weeks to process it all and how i felt about it. I felt bad I couldnt say "I loved my labour." I loved the birthing bit, but not before.
Now though I can say yep, it was awesome! I am so proud of my body and how I got through it all without drugs. I feel that empowerment and wonder when I think of it now. Its just funny when I tell people how quick it was when they ask, and they say "Oh that must have been great!". Well yes and no, it would have been great if I got a bit more time to get in the zone before bam being in transition lol!