Fears in labour...

thread: Fears in labour...

  1. Fears in labour...


    Thanks for all this guys, I think I have everything covered. I'll change this topic now into a general discussion for fears in labour, so everyone can keep chatting away while I put the article together. Thank-you for your thoughts and sharing your fears.
    Kelly xx

    Creator of BellyBelly.com.au, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  2. Fears in labour...


    Thanks, Kathryn. That's encouraging (still doesn't take the actual fear away ... ) 8-[

    Hmmm.. it will be interesting to re-read my post after giving birth.. I might be laughing about half the things I was worried about...

  3. Fears in labour...


    Hi Everyone,

    Snowy, that is the funniest post I've ever read!!! Particularly the part about dropping the baby!! JUST IMAGINE IF YOU DID!!! I thought i would do something like that. After my c-section I had the shakes really bad and I went to stroke Mias face and accidently half punched her!!! Rowen was horrified and wouldnt let me near her for a while!!! All was good in the end.

    My fears were definately losing her during labour (Like Losing Layla) I too watched it and when they said I'd have to have a c-section I was certain she was going to die. BUT all was fine and she made squeaky noises that made me realise she was alive and well.

    And also doing a poopoo during labour, that would have horrified me. I made my Mum promise to tell me if I did and wipe my bum bum for me!!! Needless to say she was horrified being allocated such an awful job!!!

    Love Kel
  4. Fears in labour...


    lol, Kel about the poo. I asked my Mom if she had any interest in being there during any of the birth process. You wouldn't have believed how quickly she said "NO!!!!!"
    It's not like I really would have wanted her there, just thought I'd ask how she thought about it. She had me in stitches with her reaction
  5. Fears in labour...


    Hi girls

    I was told if you poo in labour it is usually only flat and about the size of a 20c piece anyway. in our antenatal class the midwife who had delivered numerous of babies said it had only ever happened twice to her and they didn't mentioned it just cleaned it up with no fuss.

    Love :hbeat:
  6. Fears in labour...


    Just wanted to again thank everyone for their contributions to this topic, I have spoken to several professionals who are helping me with this article, who have more hands on experience to share!

    In part one, our website Obstetrician Dr. Nick Lolatgis will answer to your top 12 fears in labour, and in part two, a midwife will answer the same questions - so you can hear from both sides. Dr Lolatgis told me this week it was his project this weekend to write it up for me, so hopefully we'll have it ready in time for next month's update. It's going to be a great article to read!
    Kelly xx

    Creator of BellyBelly.com.au, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  7. Fears in labour...


    My fear is

    doing it again! [-(