Which hospital to choose?

thread: Which hospital to choose?

  1. Which hospital to choose?


    Which hospital to choose?

    Hi all,

    Not sure if this is the right forum for this, but I am wondering if anyone has any feedback on Hawkesbury Hospital vs. Nepean Private? I've been recommended to go to Hawkesbury as a private patient or Nepean Private. I have the option of Norwest as well, but I think that's a bit far from our place. After reading feedback from other forums, I'm leaning towards Hawkesbury, which is only 10 minutes' drive from us, but I'd like some more recent feedback. I'm only 5.5 weeks at the moment and am going into Hawkesbury's imaging clinic for my first scan next week, so I'd like to make a decision by then, so our doc can refer me.

    Appreciate any help, ladies!
  2. Which hospital to choose?


    Re: Which hospital to choose?

    I've done some more digging and apparently there are no "affiliated" OBs at Hawkesbury, just visiting OBs. So that means a series of out of pocket costs as a private patient. I've heard mostly good things about the midwives clinic here and from other sources, and am starting to consider public. Because of the arrangement between the OBs and Hawkesbury, there is no guarantee the OB you are seeing for antenatal care will even be present at the delivery, which I thought was one of the main reasons for going as a private patient anyway? The more I read the more confused I get and don't know what to decide! Not to mention they tell you that you basically have to book into the midwives clinic the second you know you're pregnant to get a place, it makes you all stressed and have to rush the decision so you don't miss out ...

    Anyone had similar concerns?