I don't post on here very often, I'm much more of a reader, but I think I need some advice. At my Ob appt a couple of days ago (36w+3), my Ob said baby is measuring a bit large, currently about 38 weeks, and that it's current weight was estimated at 3.3kg (although he did say the machine estimates about 10% more than irl). He says that if we left it to term it could well be over 4kg. I also have preg-related low platelet count (currently at 71), so he wants to induce me in 2 weeks. I've done some reading over the last couple of days and I'm not entirely sure his reasons for inducing me are valid, but also that inductions can very quickly lead to c/s. I'm not against a c/s if it is medically necessary, but I don't want to be forced to have one just because he thought I couldn't vb my baby.
My DS was brought on via a SnS and arrived at 38+5 weighing 3.57kg, and ended up being a forceps delivery. I had a lot of drugs during his birth and didn't remember much of it, so I was really hoping for a much more active birth with less drugs this time around. Ob thinks that this baby will almost certainly be bigger than my DS.
I don't find my Ob very easy to talk to, and he whizzes through things at a million miles an hour so I struggle to take it all in. He wants to do an internal in just under 2 weeks, and then induce the next day.
What are your thoughts on his reasons/my options please?