Do you have a labour or birth question? Please check below to see if it has been asked previously - feel free to post in any of these topics or alternately check out the article list below (scroll right down!) which contains all the articles on the BellyBelly main site relating to labour and birth.
I will add more as we go:
* 10 pound baby - is it possible?
* Acupuncture for Labour Induction
* Are birth plans necessary?
* Baby in transverse lie
* Back labour/posterior baby backache
* Braxton hicks vs labour contractions
* Caesarean due to small stature
* Caesarean or vaginal birth?
* Caesarean suturing may effect future VBAC
* Cervical scaring and vaginal birth
* Driving After Caesarean
* Early Labour Signs
* Epidurals & Instrumental Use (article)
* Fears about labour
* Hep B Vaccinations at Birth (for baby)
* Homebirth
* Homebirth & Partner Reluctant
* Hospitals or Birth Centres - Which is Safest?
* Importance in waiting for the cord to stop pulsating
* Losing the show/mucous plug
* Maternal Risks of Repeat Caesareans (news article)
* Nesting
* Painful Tightening of Stomach
* Piles / Haemorrhoids
* Risks of Caesareans (news article)
* Posterior Baby & Induction
* Small Pelvis / Big Baby
* Storing/Donating Baby's Cord Blood
* Symphysis Pubis Dysfuction & Birth
* Synto to speed up delivery of placenta
* Vaginal Birth Safe After Multiple Caesareans (article)
* Vitamin K Injection
* Waterbirth