Pre-labour/false labour/early labour

thread: Pre-labour/false labour/early labour

  1. Pre-labour/false labour/early labour


    Pre-labour/false labour/early labour

    According to the birth books I've read and what DR. Google says, early labour is from 0-4cm dilation.

    False labour and pre-labour are the pains but with no cervix change.

    Is this right? Because that means I've been in early labour for 2 weeks because I am now 2-3cm dilated but no regular contractions, just the random ones. I always thought I was experiencing pre-labour, but then I guess that means I don't have early labour because I went straight into active labour with dd, and it seems similar this time.

    Also, I'm a bit over the stop start at the moment. I'm sleeping ok at night, occasionally woken by cx. Day time it's driving me nuts. What can I do to try and ramp it up?

  2. Pre-labour/false labour/early labour


    Re: Pre-labour/false labour/early labour

    Aw hun I remember those feelings!! This is your second right? From memory once you've had a bub you cervix never goes back to 0, you're always at 1 or 2. So try not to focus on the numbers.

    What can you do? Not much lol! Hun I can say this to you with three kids under my belt including one who went to 41 weeks and drove me insane. You can try sex. Lots of sex with happy endings for both of you. Lots of cuddles and happy time with DH. Skin on skin. Get the oxytocin flowing. Oxytocin will help.

    You can try going for walks, keeping active during the day, but you don't want to get too tired.

    Enjoy your time with DD before the baby comes.

    Hang in there. I know it feels like you'll be pregnant forever, but logically you know you won't. But I hated people saying that to me
  3. Pre-labour/false labour/early labour


    Re: Pre-labour/false labour/early labour

    Pretty much exactly what OP said. ...sorry.
    But yay for something going on!
  4. Pre-labour/false labour/early labour


    Re: Pre-labour/false labour/early labour

    It sounds like prelabour, especially since it has been going on a couple of weeks.
  5. Pre-labour/false labour/early labour


    Re: Pre-labour/false labour/early labour

    Oh and for DD I went 40 plus 4 (she was born 5 days over but began labour at 4 days over) and I went into spontaneous labour. It may have been purely coincidental but in the days prior I had been practising nipple stimulation, lots of walking and fit ball rolling/bouncing, happy endings as OP described them, and massage on my labour pressure points- inside wrists from memory, and inside ankles, or just above the inner ankles. But you should be able to Google it.