SCN when Mum is sick

thread: SCN when Mum is sick

  1. SCN when Mum is sick


    SCN when Mum is sick

    I am due to have bub in 7 days, while I am really hoping he beats the c section date I am a bit concerned too.

    I have a middle ear infection in both ears and the dregs of a nasty cold.

    Bub will 100%certain be going to scn, but what if I am still unwell? Will I be allowed in? I don't want to make any babies sick obviously but then if I can't go in how do I breastfeed?

    Has anyone else been in this position? I can't call the hospital to ask as I can't heat on the phone so I guess Tuesdays appointment is my only chance to ask, if I make it to then.
  2. SCN when Mum is sick


    Re: SCN when Mum is sick

    Not 100% sure regarding Mums but my DD1 was in scn and dh had a terrible cold. he just had to wear a mask and gown if he went in to the scn. It was only twice though.
  3. SCN when Mum is sick


    Re: SCN when Mum is sick

    That's very helpful to know gee whizzy thank you. I will suggest that if they are funny about me in there, if he waits til the c section then I am confident I will be well again but if earlier then I couldn't be certain.
  4. SCN when Mum is sick


    Re: SCN when Mum is sick

    I hope you feel better soon. Our little one was in SCN and depending on the nurse on duty they were all funny about different things... one nurse didn't like me holding her all the time, we stayed with our baby 24/7 and they were always asking people to go away and leave them to it, once the parents leave they would complain about them being gone!! Weird... anyway... I would say they cannot keep you away from YOUR baby, stay fast to that it is not an option you not being in there with the baby, offer to wear masks and wash your hands thoroughly as required. THere is a certain point when you are no longer contagious so ask your DR for advice.
  5. SCN when Mum is sick


    Re: SCN when Mum is sick

    My hubby was sick when DS2 was in SCN and he was allowed in with a mask on. He didn't stay long, but that was his decision not because he wasn't allowed too, more he felt bad being there as he didn't need to be there - as in feeding etc.
  6. SCN when Mum is sick


    Re: SCN when Mum is sick

    I feel much more confident now, thank you girls.
  7. SCN when Mum is sick


    Re: SCN when Mum is sick

    Hope you feel better soon!