Share your birth intentions (birth plan)

thread: Share your birth intentions (birth plan)

  1. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    Share your birth intentions (birth plan)

    Please feel free to share your birth intentions/plan and share it with others. Also please feel free to read my article Birth Plans - Are They Worth It?

    And if you want a free downloadable intentions/birth plan template, here is a good one: HERE.
    Last edited by Lucy; April 25th, 2008 at 08:17 PM.
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  2. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    I was talking to DH about this today & said on the top of my list will be that midwife nails MUST BE SHORT!! No exceptions!
  3. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    Thanks Kelly, I'm really looking forward to putting my birth plan together this time around being able to reflect and improve on last time. I was really excited when I went on our hospital tour and the midwife said they acually book in an appointment at 32-36wks to go over your birth plan with you. I found my birth plan so helpful last time as the midwives really stood up for my decisions.

    One thing I will have again this time is at least 1-2hrs straight after the birth where there are no medical procedures (except if urgent) and no other family but DH bubba and myself. That was the most precious time.
  4. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    Birth Preferences for *XXX*

    We are happy to be known as *XXX*.

    We’re hoping for a natural childbirth without unnecessary intervention or the use of drugs. We appreciate your support with our birth preferences.

    Whilst we would prefer for an active, drug-free birth we do realise this may not be possible and in case of emergency would like to be transferred to the Princess Royal Hospital at Haywards Heath if possible.

    As *DH* has a Suxiomethionine deficiency we will require a resus team and ITU standing by at the hospital if we are transferred. This also means that any drug stronger than gas and air is NOT to be given or offered unless it is absolutely necessary in the eyes of the midwives and ourselves.


    I'd like the freedom to choose positions, use the shower or bath and walk around in labour as desired.

    I’d prefer not to be offered drugs; I am aware of the options for pain relief and will ask for gas and air if needed. If I request drugs whilst in transition, please tell me that I am nearing the end and let me re-evaluate my request.

    As long the baby and I are fine, I would prefer to be free of time limits and not have my labour augmented.

    After birth, I would like to have the baby placed on my chest straight away without being cleaned up first – I would also like to attempt to feed my child straight away.

    I would like to birth the placenta naturally without drugs (although I may request differently on the day) and for my husband to cut the cord once it finishes pulsating.


    If a caesarean becomes necessary I’d like:

    For my partner to be with me at all times (aside from scrubbing up and the transfer to the hospital).

    For the screen lowered so we can witness the birth of our baby. I would ideally like to know what’s going on at all times, although I understand that this may not be do-able from a medical point of view.

    Unless prevented by medical emergency, I would like my baby to be placed on my chest while you complete the procedure.

    To be sure that a double layer suture is used and not a single layer in order to improve my chances for a future VBAC.

    For the cord to stop pulsating before you clamp and cut it.

    The opportunity to breastfeed our baby in recovery.


    All newborn procedures (weighing and measuring) to wait until I have had time to bond with and breastfeed our baby.

    I’d prefer not to have the routine Syntocinon injection to help deliver the placenta

    Unless forceps or a C-section has been required, or the birth has been very long and traumatic, we would prefer for our baby not to receive a vitamin K injection.

    I would like my husband to stay with me for as long as possible so the baby is used to him.

    Thanks for that Kelly - here's mine (heavily based on your template, but also after some discussion with the midwives so I know what they will and won't do!).
  5. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    Nuther version of a Birth Plan

    Our Birth Preferences

    Our names are:

    We like to be called:

    Our Birth Attendant / Doula’s name is:

    This is our first baby.

    We are expecting our baby around the week of:

    We’re going to try:
    • Active Birth Techniques
    • Undisturbed Birth Techniques
    • Pink Kit techniques

    We have chosen to have our baby at this facility because we are confident that here we will be able to labour in privacy, and just be left alone to get on with it. We’ve done as much preparation as we can and we are committed to do the work. It means a lot to us to know that if we really need you, you are there.

    We’re hoping for a natural childbirth and wish to avoid unnecessary intervention and medication. We have asked a Birth Attendant / Doula to be present at the birth to help us work towards this.

    We also understand that in spite of the best preparation, sometimes unforeseen difficulties arise. We are open to your recommendations if this should happen. Please discuss all options with us and our Birth Attendant / Doula. We would like the opportunity to think it over without the presence of any hospital staff if a situation arises.

    We would like our birth experience to be quiet, unhurried, respectful and private.

    Thank you for your kind consideration and valuable care.

    Early Labour
    Our Strategy:

    • Stay at home as long as possible. I’ll call you to let you know I am in labour and will ask my Doula to come to be with me.

    • Not pay too much attention to pre-labour niggles and early contractions, continue normal activities, rest and relax as much as possible, so that I do not start labour tired.

    • On admission: stay in my own clothes.

    • Set up a quiet, private birth environment and settle in, and get on with it.

    How You Can Help:

    • Show us to my room.

    • Talk to my support team regarding any administrative details.

    • Assess my progress by my emotional signposts rather than by asking me questions or a VE.

    • Let my support team stay with me.

    Active Labour
    Our Strategy:

    The Physics:

    * Active Birth Techniques:
    • We plan to use postures that are gravity-positive and that encourage mobility and openness of the pelvis. I’ll change positions regularly.

    • I might want to walk some distance between contractions (not just around the room – I would like to go up and down the halls, please. My Doula will accompany us.)

    * The Pink Kit Techniques:
    • I’ve practiced breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth. I’ll be trying to relax deeply. I will try pelvic relaxation techniques to open up my pelvis the best I can and go with it.

    The Chemistry:

    * Undisturbed Birth Techniques:
    • To maximize the release of my birth hormones, we’ll have the room quiet, with dim lighting, and music.

    • My support people will speak softly, and not a lot, so that I am not distracted from going deeper.

    • We’ll cover the clock.

    Fluid & Electrolyte balance:

    • I will be drinking a rehydration drink called “labour-aide” to keep hydrated, along with herbal tea. I will also be eating snacks as I feel like it. I would like to avoid an I.V.

    Managing Strategies:

    • We would like the use of a birth tub or pool if possible.

    • We will be using massage, relaxation, breathing, hot water and positioning to manage pain and to promote the release of my endorphins.

    Patience & Rhythm:

    • As long the baby and I are fine, I would prefer to be free of time limits and not have my labour augmented. We would like to let labour unfold at its own rhythm. I don’t mind how long it takes, I’m committed. I took care to rest and relax as much as I could in pre-labour and early labour. I’m ready for the work.

    • If progress seems to slow or plateau, please let me have plenty of time to try problem-solving techniques of relaxation, inner pelvic release, opening the pelvis, and positioning with my Doula before we resort to medical assistance, assuming the foetal heart is OK.

    How You Can Help:

    • We would like as few staff in the room as possible – preferably, just our Doula and the midwife. We’re happy to be left alone to just get on with it.

    • In order to support the natural hormonal chemistry of undisturbed birth, we’d like as few interruptions and observations as possible.

    • We would like any necessary verbal communication to be kept to a minimum and to be spoken softly.

    • I’m happy to have intermittent external fetal monitoring, as unobtrusive and seldom as possible, unless continuous monitoring is medically necessary.

    • I would prefer to avoid vaginal examinations unless absolutely necessary, or if I request one out of curiosity. I will sometimes be checking myself internally for changes, as I learned in The Pink Kit.

    • I would like my waters to break naturally. I would prefer to labour with bulging forewaters than have them artificially ruptured.

    Second Stage
    Our Strategy:

    • I would like to deliver in any position that feels right at the time, including on the floor. I wish to avoid being on the bed in a back-lying position.

    • I would like my partner or Doula to apply olive oil and hot compresses to my perineum between contractions.

    • I would like to try spontaneous, instinctive pushing in second stage, rather than directed pushing.

    • I plan to touch my perineum to feel the progress and touch my baby’s head as it emerges. I want to birth slowly, gradually and gently, to allow the tissues plenty of time to stretch. Thank you for letting me take my time and find my own way.

    • I want to avoid an episiotomy unless there is a genuine medical emergency. I prefer a small tear to an episiotomy. I have done perineal massage during my pregnancy to condition the tissues and to learn how to relax with stretching.

    • We’d like to have the room warm, with the lighting as dim as possible

    How You Can Help:

    • Just be there if we need you. We are so glad you are there and we value your expertise, and your wisdom in patiently watching and waiting.

    • If it looks as if the perineum might tear, feel free to step in and give me some guidance on how to slow down the crowning and to support the head or perineum.

    Third Stage
    Our Strategy:

    • My partner would like to help ‘catch’ our baby and to announce the gender.

    • I would like to take the baby against me and have as much uninterrupted skin to skin contact as possible. We'll cover the baby with our own warmed blanket that we'll bring from home

    • I will let the baby become interested in the nipple and suck when ready.

    • Assuming that blood loss is acceptable, I’m in no rush to deliver my placenta. I’d like to concentrate on my baby and breast-feed, which will maximize the release of my oxytocin to help the placenta clamp down, and promote bonding.

    • I’d like to have a bath with my baby in a warm, dimly-lit room, soon after the birth, assuming I and the baby are both well. I have a herbal sachet I would like to add to the bath water.

    How You Can Help:

    • Total quiet in the room as the baby is born so that we can respond naturally, without cues from others.

    • Please only suction if really necessary.

    • Please delay all newborn procedures (weighing and measuring) to wait until I have had time to bond with and breastfeed our baby – at least an hour after birth.

    • I’d like an un-rushed physiological third stage, and I would rather not have the routine Syntometrine injection. Please let me have half an hour or an hour with my baby before I deliver the placenta, (assuming blood loss is acceptable), please no controlled cord traction or pulling on the cord.

    • To wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsating before it is cut and clamped to allow my baby to receive the valuable blood from the placenta, and for my partner to be the one to cut the cord.

    • Please give our baby vitamin K as an oral dose.

    • We’d like our baby to be given only breastmilk – no water or formula.


    If a caesarean becomes necessary I’d like:

    For my partner to be with me and my Birth Attendant / Doula

    My own music playing in the theatre

    No general chatter that is unrelated to my birth

    For the screen lowered so we can witness the birth of our baby.

    Unless prevented by medical emergency, I would like my baby to be placed on my chest while you complete the procedure.

    To be sure that a double layer suture is used and not a single layer, in order to improve my chances for a future VBAC.

    For the cord to stop pulsating before you clamp and cut it.

    The opportunity to breastfeed our baby in recovery.

    Please sign our birth preferences in the good faith that it has been read and will be treated respectfully.

    Thank you.

    ________________________________ Signed

    ________________________________ Name ______________ Date
  6. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    Hmm I wonder if more people are going to share?
    Any successful VBACs out there that would like to share their birth plan with me pwease??
  7. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    This is ours so far, I'm still adding to it as I think of other things


     I’d like the freedom to choose positions, use the shower or bath and walk around in labour as desired.

     I’m happy to have intermittent external fetal monitoring.

     Please don’t offer drugs; I am aware of the options for pain relief and will ask for it if needed.

     I wish to be free of time limits and not have my labour augmented unless in a medical emergency. In particular time for second stage to proceed without being rushed and extra support with suggestions for positions during this stage.

     I’d only like an episiotomy if there is a genuine medical emergency. Please allow time for the perineum to stretch naturally. I would like time to discuss and think about having an episiotomy with my partner before one is performed.

     I would like to deliver in any position that feels right at the time, including on the floor. I wish to avoid being on the bed in a back-lying position.


    If a medical induction or augmentation becomes medically necessary I’d like:

     To only have my waters to be broken at first instance if my cervix is open. I would like to be given a generous amount of time for labour to establish upon rupture of membranes (i.e. more than just a few hours) before other forms of medical induction / augmentation.

     If I require Syntocinon, I would like a very low dose, to be increased gradually and slowly. Once my labour is established I would like to choose to stop the dose being increased, lower the dose or stop the drip to allow my body to continue to labour without artificial oxytocin. Please put the cannula in my arm and not my hand so I have more freedom of movement.


    If a caesarean becomes necessary I’d like:

     For my partner to be with me.

     For discussion to be open and informative

     For the screen lowered so we can witness the birth of our baby

     Unless prevented by medical emergency, I would like my baby to be placed on my chest while you complete the procedure

     To be sure that a double layer suture is used and not a single layer in order to improve my chances for a future VBAC

     For the cord to stop pulsating before clamping for reasons mentioned

     The opportunity to breastfeed our baby in recovery. If you do not have the staff to enable this, I wish to have my partner with me so I can breastfeed in recovery


    Presuming baby and I are well, we’d like:

     To hold our baby immediately after the birth.

     To have at least an hour for partner and I to bond with the baby before other family are invited in.

     For all newborn procedures (weighing and measuring) to wait until I have had time to bond with and breastfeed our baby

     Not to have the routine Syntocinon injection to help deliver the placenta

     To wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsating before clamping, to allow my baby to receive the valuable blood and iron stores.

     For our baby to have vitamin K as an oral dose if the birth has been routine and un-traumatic.

     For baby to be given only breastmilk – strictly no water or formula.

     To defer Hepatitis B injections until baby’s first vaccinations at 2 months.
  8. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    Wow, thanks Kelly and Julie. Theyre really helpful to help me make some decisions, and thanks Kelly for the article (the link didnt work by the way, but I found the article on the articles page it is here if anyone else wants it.). I think it will be good if I have an idea of what I want during labour and birth so i can actually make some informed decisions if they offer me pain relief or whatever else, so I am definately going to put something together and talk to a midwife about it. I think they said I will get to discuss it with a midwife at around 36 wks.
  9. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    this is a great "thread", we will be trying for a baby shortly and this has been very helpful. My husband thinks I am a bit odd trying to source all this information so far in advance.But I want to know as much as I can so there are no nasty little shocks. (other than having a baby pulled from my body).
    I have been doing alot of reading, and I am quite keen to have a water birth, Would anyone know if that is a standard option, or is that seen as too "alternative"?
  10. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    This one gave me a chuckle

    Birth Plan
    by Janine DeBaise
    © 1996 Midwifery Today, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    Here is the plan for the birth of my child. I've taken words from the dreams of 200 women. I'm translating them for the hospital staff.

    1. No blue hospital gown. No sterile drapes. When I give birth, I want to be naked. I want my body to choose the colour of its growing.

    2. No enema. No antiseptic wash. No shaving of pubic hair. If I wanted to shave something, I'd shave my head. Like Jean-Luc Picard. I've always wanted to be captain of a star ship. When I give birth, I explore uncharted territory, I move and writhe into new worlds. I want to go where no man has gone before.

    In 1872, an English doctor named John Braxton Hicks discovered pre-labor contractions. This was sort of like Columbus discovering America. Some people already knew it was there.

    3. No drugs. No epidural.

    I want to feel the baby moving, his hard head pushing through layers of me. My bones shifting, my uterus contracting. I want to feel birth. I want to know fire.

    4. No episiotomy. No amniotomy. I don't want anything that rhymes with lobotomy. I prefer to stretch slowly, burning in a rim of panting breaths, around my baby's head.

    Pierre Vellay, MD, wrote that pregnant women must be "trained in the proper way." His vision: Laboring women "like expert engineers with perfect machines and carefully presented information (who) control, direct and regulate their bodies."

    5. No Pitocin drip. No synthetic hormone to stimulate labor. Let my baby choose his own birthday. My body does not recognize the ticking of the clock on the wall.

    I don't want to control my body. I want to surrender. Let the darkness soak through me, drip down my legs. Let the pulse of that unborn voice throb through me.

    I don't want a needle stuck in my hand. If my labor slows, I'll lie in the sun on a fur quilt and let my husband caress MY nipples. I prefer to get my hormones the primitive way.

    6. No electric fetal monitor.

    I don't need a machine to tell me how my baby is doing. He kicks, he twists, he somersaults inside of me.

    Robert Bradley, MD, advocated the idea of the husband as the labor coach. He liked the idea of natural birth, but still he thought that somehow a man had to be in charge.

    7. No bright lights. No noise. No softball cheers. Don't give me instructions. My body knows what to do. Birth is not a team sport. I don't want a coach. I want my husband's presence. His hands to grip. His arms a sling to lean the baby bulk against. His face a mirror in which I can watch my baby emerging.

    8. No stupid jokes. No cheerful chatter. No television, please. I want to listen to the moans rising in my throat. I want to hear the child singing in my womb.

    In the 1950s a French obstetrician named Ferdinand Lamaze began teaching something he called childbirth without pain. French Catholics were horrified, they believed Bible said it was supposed to be painful. In fact, the Bible states that birth is intended to be a joy and a blessing, an activity to be performed in an upright, rather than reclining, position.

    9. No delivery table. I am not a plate of spaghetti. Let me give birth on the bed. A table works fine for conception, but it's way too hard and far too awkward for birth.

    "Male science disregards female experiences because it can never share them." Grantly ****-Read said this in 1933. No one listened to him.

    I know what I want for my baby.

    No nursery. No pacifier. No bottles. No crib. No cheerful, white-coated, well-scrubbed, briskly walking, thermometer-wielding nurses, please.

    Let the baby sleep against my skin, nurse from my breast, wrap his wrinkled blue limbs in the heat of my body.

    10. Nothing intrauterine, nothing intravenous.

    I prefer to give birth in simple words. Breathe. Push. Touch. Pain. Wet. Stretch. Bum. Birth. Yes.

    For 50 years, doctors have used these terms. Braxton-Hicks contractions. Bradley birth. Lamaze breathing. But a woman knows. The mystery is too overwhelming. We can never name it.

    When the baby's head crowns, I want to touch the wrinkled scalp. I want to cradle the head in my palms while he is still inside of me, his neck stuck in the warm swollen parts of me. My moans will be the guide I need to pull him out of myself.

    Hot compresses. Yes.
    Dim lights, a bathtub of warm water. Yes.
    Hands massaging me. Yes.
    My husband lying next to me, solid to lean against. Yes.
    The smell and feel of a slippery newborn baby wriggling against my naked skin.

    Janine DeBaise teaches writing and literature at the State University New York College of Environmental Science and Forest (SUNY-CESF), but she says her most important job is rearing her four children (ages 1, 4, 7 and 9). Her poem "Birth Moment" was in Midwifery Today Issue No. 36.
  11. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    I had a VBAC so this is my plan.

    Notice labour occurring.
    Push out baby.
    Have rest.

    No biggie, it's just a birth. It was a week of early labour and three days of strong labour and my daughter was born in my study. VBAC = Birth and don't let anyone kid you otherwise!
  12. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    I love these birthing plans. so much i didn't know.

    really went in last time with my eyes closed and i think the doctor knew it.

    not so this time! thanks guys

  13. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    MIne is ... Let me tell you when or if I want or need anything, other than that leave me alone with my husband, Mother & Aunt..
    My body is in charge!

    Thankfully the midwives have said... No worries, it's your body, birth, baby & experience... We will wiat til YOU need us!
  14. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    Luckily Tracey where you are giving birth in a birth centre they do support that philosophy, like most birth centres, but a good tip for those going into a birth centre is to at least have a plan if you have to transfer out to the main wards.
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  15. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    That may be true for some but my birth in the labour ward with Indah went like.... I was asked by the midwife what I wanted & I siad Ï'll buzz you when I know!" she left & at midnight I buzzed (had been left alone from 10:30pm) she walked in my wtaers broke & at 12:31am Indah was on my chest!!!

    I was happy with that!!!
  16. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    this is my birth plan for Jay's birth...
    and I had a water birth in hospital...if anyone wants to have a read of my birth story you can access it on my website, under birth stories

    My birth plan

    Support people Stuart (husband) and Claire (Stus sister)
    Always at least one support person with me
    Stu or Claire to please cut the cord, if possible
    No bright lights, own music, Cranberry juice
    Bath/shower and firm sacral massage for comfort
    Please remind me to relax and breathe into the wave of the contraction speak to me firmly if required
    Rescue remedy for feelings of panic/anxiety 4 drops under tongue prn
    Aromatherapy oils for labour massage
    1. clove bud oil muscle relaxant and pain relief 10 drops to 1 tsp oil, massage into affected area while in shower/bath
    2. slow progress (blend clary sage, rose, jasmine, sweet fennel, palmarosa)10 drops into massage oil, massage into lower back or abdomen
    3. lavender/rose geranium calming, slight analgesic effect, circulation stimulating, uterine tonic massage into lower back or abdomen
    4. lavender calming, analgesic massage anywhere
    aromatherapy oils for burner lavender
    Please do not ask if I require pain relief
    No phone calls or visitors I also do not wish for anyone to be informed that I am in labour
    I would like to touch my babys head as it appears
    I wish to hold my baby immediately after delivery
    I would like some photos of my baby and I after delivery
    I would prefer to not have my baby taken from my sight
    I would prefer not to have to get onto the bed at any stage, unless in my babys best interest
    No vaginal exams unless absolutey required
    I wish to breastfeed as soon as possible after birth
    No augmentation unless in my babys best interest

    xx yogababy
    Last edited by blue daisy; December 20th, 2007 at 03:05 PM.
  17. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    My birth plan will be something like this.

    Ive done it before and i will do it again.
    No i will not lie or sit down, i did it with my first and discovered standing with my second way better for me.
    I would really like to do this drug free, once again ive done it before.
    I probably will yell/scream and groan with contractions, dont ask me why but it comforts me to make noise.
    I want my hubby and mum to be present, a girl needs her Mum sometimes.
    please try not to frighten me , but tell me how it is.
    If medical intervention becomes neccesary for my baby or me then tell us but let us decide, All we want is for a happy healthy Mum and Bub.
  18. Share your birth intentions (birth plan)


    After eading some article and the birth plans here I was inspired to write my own! Very similar to my first one...lets hope this one gets used!!

    Any comments are more than welcome.

    ************************************************** *********

    Birth Plan

    • We’re hoping for a natural childbirth without unnecessary intervention or the use of drugs.
    • I would like an active birth- I want to move and change position freely.
    • The room needs to be comfortable, warm, calm and peaceful.
    • I want to use natural methods of pain relief- water (bath/shower), heat packs, massage. Please do not offer me drugs and if I ask, remind me of my preferences. I am aware of my other options in pain relief.
    • As long the baby and I are fine, I would prefer to be free of time limits and not have my labour augmented.
    • Intermittent doppler monitoring is ok. I do not want continuous CTG monitoring unless medically necessary, discussed with us prior to being done.
    • I do not want birth to be induced unless medically necessary, discussed with us prior to being done.
    • I do not want my membranes artificially ruptured of unless medically required, and discussed with us in detail prior to being done.
    • Considering baby and I are healthy, I want him to remain with me. No weighing or measuring to be done until well after birth and parental bonding.
    • After birth, I would like to have the baby placed on my chest straight away, after being cleaned up first. I want to attempt to feed my child when he’s ready.
    • I would like to birth the placenta naturally without drugs (although I may request differently on the day) and for my husband to cut the cord once it finishes pulsating.

    This plan represents our preferences; however we recognise that in the event of unforeseen difficulties it may need to be re-negotiated. In this eventuality please discuss all procedure options with us.


    • If baby and I are well, I would like my baby to decide his own due date. I am happy to discuss a plan should my pregnancy reach 40 weeks.
    • I will try natural means to get labour started- i.e. acupuncture, walking, nipple stimulation.
    • Should labour induction become necessary at any time, I'd like to start with the least artificial means first - i.e. stretch and sweep before a medical induction.
    • I would like time to allow the natural and minimal intervention methods of induction to work as I will still have 2 weeks until full term.

    If this is unsuccessful and a medical induction or augmentation becomes medically necessary I’d like:

    • To only have my waters to be broken at first instance if my cervix is open. I would like to be given a generous amount of time for labour to establish upon rupture of membranes (i.e. more than just a few hours) before other forms of medical induction / augmentation. I would like to go home if all is well, until labour is established.
    • Gels to be inserted first if my cervix is open and time to let it work and for labour to establish itself. I want to go home if all is well.
    • If I require Syntocinon, I would like a very low dose, to be increased gradually and slowly. Once my labour is established I would like to choose to stop the dose being increased, lower the dose or stop the drip to allow my body to continue to labour without artificial oxytocin. Please put the cannula in my arm and not my hand so I have more freedom of movement.


    If a caesarean becomes necessary I’d like:

    • For my partner to be with me at all times (aside from scrubbing up).
    • Unless prevented by medical emergency, I would like my baby to be placed on my chest while you complete the procedure.
    • To be sure that a double layer suture is used and not a single layer in order to improve my chances for a future VBAC.
    • For the cord to stop pulsating before you clamp and cut it.
    • The opportunity to bond with and attempt to breastfeed our baby in recovery.


    • I would like my husband to stay with me for as long as possible so that the baby has time to bond with him as well.
    • For baby to be given only my breast milk- strictly no water or formula.
    • If for some reason I am unable to hold my baby I would like only my husband to hold our baby until I am fit and able.

    ************************************************** *****************

    That's it, I think I've covered everything!!