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$39.95 from BellyBelly's online store.Award winning medical writer and birth activist Henci Goer gives clear, concise information based on the latest medical studies. Goer will help you compare and contrast your various options and show you how to avoid unnecessary procedures, drugs, restrictions, and tests.
Chapters include:
1. The Cesarean Epidemic: Obstetrics on the Cutting Edge
2. The Full-Term Breech Baby: Cesarean Section is Not the Only Answer
3. Induction of Labor: Mother Nature Knows Best
4. IVs: "Water, Water, Everywhere, Nor Any Drop to Drink"
5. Electronic Fetal Monitoring and Cesarean for Fetal Distress: The Machine that Goes Ping!
6. When Doctors Break the Membranes: If It Ain't Broke, Don't Break It
7. Slow Labor: Patience Is a Virtue
8. Epidurals and Narcotics: A Shot in the Dark
9. Episiotomy: The Unkindest Cut
10. Elective Repeat Cesarean Section: Just Say No
11. Professional Labor Support: Mothering the Mother
12. Obstetricians, Midwives, and Family Practitioners: Someone to Watch Over You
13. The Place of Birth: Location, Location, Location