Turning a baby in labour HELP!

thread: Turning a baby in labour HELP!

  1. Turning a baby in labour HELP!


    Turning a baby in labour HELP!

    My friend is currently in labour, since Wednesday early morning. This morning her contractions were about 3 minutes apart and she was 3 cm dilated. They have just given her an epidural because she is getting exhausted. However, the baby is facing the wrongs way (sorry can't think of terms at the moment), where the baby's spine is against hers. They broke her waters this morning to and put a head monitor on the baby.

    She is currently so tired and not really progressing. Is there anything she can try to get the baby to rotate? Or is that just how it will be now? How will this effect the birth.

    Anyone been in this situation. Any suggestions for her? I feel so stressed for her, but I has such text book births that I don't know what to suggest or help her with (via her dh).

    Thanks ladies

  2. Turning a baby in labour HELP!


    Re: Turning a baby in labour HELP!

    I wish I could be helpful but the only ways I know of are useless once the epidural is in. Maybe she could try lying on her side to encourage bub to turn?
  3. Turning a baby in labour HELP!


    Re: Turning a baby in labour HELP!

    Thanks mummaT

    The baby has now turned and she is just slowly dilating. Hopefully she doesn't have to wait much longer. She can't even move to speed things up.

    I wonder why some people dilate slowly and other fast.
  4. Turning a baby in labour HELP!


    Re: Turning a baby in labour HELP!

    Oh I am so glad to hear that. Good luck to your friend
  5. Turning a baby in labour HELP!


    Re: Turning a baby in labour HELP!

    breaking the waters and having an epidural make it harder for baby to change position.

    hope things go well for your friend from here.
  6. Turning a baby in labour HELP!


    Re: Turning a baby in labour HELP!

    Well her little girl arrived last night finally after a very long tough labour.

    She ended up having an episiotomy and forceps and little miss had to be on oxygen all night and is on antibiotics.

    Apart from that she seems a healthy happy baby.

    I feel like I need a bith debrief and it wasnt even my birth

    My friend is amazing though. Never gave up even when they wanted to do a c section. She stayed so strong.
  7. Turning a baby in labour HELP!


    Re: Turning a baby in labour HELP!

    Congratulations to your friend and I hope her daughter is at full strength in no time