What was your FOURTH labour like?

thread: What was your FOURTH labour like?

  1. What was your FOURTH labour like?


    What was your FOURTH labour like?

    Just wondering what your fourth labour was like, compared to your previous 3?
  2. What was your FOURTH labour like?


    Re: What was your FOURTH labour like?

    I will tell you in January
  3. What was your FOURTH labour like?


    Re: What was your FOURTH labour like?

    Much easier!
    No tearing or stitches, quick recovery, completely different how it started and progressed.

    In saying that though, my 3rd was drug free and faster...i preferred it more. 4th I needed antibiotics due the PROM, my DD was very sick and ended up in SCN
  4. What was your FOURTH labour like?


    Re: What was your FOURTH labour like?

    Bare bones of it was as easy as my first three however my induction was a nightmare and I would say that my fourth labour was the worst. But I dont necessarily think that was because it was baby #4 and more mismanagement of labour etc.
  5. What was your FOURTH labour like?


    Re: What was your FOURTH labour like?

    My 4th was a 34wker born in 1hr 4mins. Drug free, very quick, came out very easily.
  6. What was your FOURTH labour like?


    Re: What was your FOURTH labour like?

    My fourth was much easier than my 3rd. My first I had the gas... 2nd,3rd,4th and 5th I didnt have pain relief at all. 6th time around im expecting the same...
  7. What was your FOURTH labour like?


    Re: What was your FOURTH labour like?

    My fourth was harder because she was born in the caul. It takes bubby alot longer to come down the birth canal, she was my longest labour it still only went for 3 hours from start to finish but I found it mentally challenging compared to the others. Each birth has been so different and enjoyable in their own ways! Just go with it whatever it looks like.
  8. What was your FOURTH labour like?


    Re: What was your FOURTH labour like?

    My fourth was much better than my 3rd.
    My waters broke at 34wks & he was born after after a 54 min labour.

    Apart from a bad case of the shakes & the emotional stress from him coming early, it was a great birth