My BP was normal/high throughout my last pregnancy and spiked at nearly 38 weeks. I don't exactly remember my BP, but it was in the range of low 200's / 160 ish. Hence I was induced and had a vaginal birth 4 hours later. I didn't have much protein in my urine so it wasn't classic pre-eclampsia but my OB believes that it was pre-eclampsia, we just caught it very early.
Over the last week my BP has been creeping up. I monitor my BP in the morning and evenings since it started creeping. At the moment we are generally sitting around the 140s / 95 which I know is the normal/high border.
I'm a bit bummed about this. For some reason I thought that I'd managed to avoid it this time, as my BP has been perfectly well behaved to date. I was hoping to avoid being induced and go into labour naturally. Given my experience last time I'm not stressed as such about my high BP, just more disappointed.
I've started on Aldomet 250 mg twice a day but I suspect I'll be put on a higher dose or a different medication shortly. I'd also planned to re-start regular accupuncture appointments so that will likely also help manage my BP.
Is there anything else I can / should be doing to help manage my BP? I'll take all advice to help me keep it low.