I have a little bit of infomation about it, but I'd like to know more.
I've been having the worst chest pains the last few days, below the ribs on just one side, I thought it may have been from breaking my rib a few months ago.. then I found out that pains on the right side below the ribs is a symptom of pre-eclampsia. It has been keeping me up at night and stopping me from doing things during the day.
I have also been having lots of dizzy spells lately and I see stars when I look up.. they are also signs of pre-eclampsia. My bp has not been high, but it also has not been checked for 2 weeks.
I am seeing the midwives tomorrow, so I will get answers from them. But I am interested to what other people who may have suffered it think? Isn't it a condition that is found earlier in pregnancy? And if I was to have it, what happens next?
Thanks in Advance..