High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.

thread: High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.

  1. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    Exclamation High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.

    I had a check up today with my BP and he has said we need to keep a close eye on my BP and protein levels as it was quite high in my urine test today in case its a sign of a possible early induction. (NOOOOOOOO)

    Is this warning signs of pre eclamsia?? Can someone explain to me what Pre Eclampsia is? Is there ways that I can avoid getting this?? He hasn't said that this is what he is but it's the only thing i've heard of to do with pregnancy and just didn't think to ask while i was there.
    I REALLY, REALLY don't want another induction!!!

    I try to exercise regularly but can't do as much as I would like to as I get severe back pain if I do anything too strenuous and for too long. I have been trying to watch what I eat (will have to start being even more cautious now)

    Is there anything else I can do? Is there anything natural I can take to help me.
    Last edited by BrightSparkles; February 1st, 2010 at 08:15 PM.
  2. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy-induced condition, which can occur in the second half of pregnancy. It is characterised by high blood pressure, swelling that happens suddenly along with rapid weight gain due to fluid retention, and protein in the urine.

    Pre-eclampsia can range from mild to severe and can affect various systems of the body. Although there is no treatment that will stop it completely during pregnancy, pre-eclampsia can be managed.

    Since it reduces the flow of blood to the placenta, pre-eclampsia can be quite dangerous for your unborn baby. It can restrict your baby's growth because not enough oxygen or nutrients get through.

    Read more: Pre-eclampsia
    A friend of mine developed pre eclampsia when she was pregnant, it got worse when she was 24 weeks, she had two seizures in the hospital and they had no choice but to induce her. Thankfully her bub survived but it was rocky for some time.

    Sorry to scare you, i think the best thing is to try and rest (i know impossible with DD) and just see your doctor regularly.

    I that you dont develop it.
  3. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    Oh Jenn, it's awful isn't it. Stupid doctors for scaring you though.

    No though. I don't think there is anything you can do to prevent it. I've had it twice now (yay me), even though they assured me it rarely struck two pregs in a row.
  4. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to prevent it, although bed rest can help with your BP. Fingers crossed it stays manageable.
    I had PE with DD1, it's not something to be taken lightly. I didn't want an induction either, but if i didn't have one there is a good chance that DD1 may not have made it. My placenta was barely functioning, it had big black necrotic tissue all over it when it came out.

    I hope it was a false alarm and that things progress normally for you.
  5. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    Thanks Girls.
    Can you reduce BP in any way???
  6. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    sunshine - i had high BP during my PG & i was medicated for it. but - i was diagnosed at about 6 weeks PG, so i dunno if that makes a diff? i don't know if there's any non-medical ways of reducing BP during PG (other than bed rest).
  7. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    I made it to 38.5wks with DS before my BP sky rocketed I was induced 3 days later. My BP has never gone back down to what it was pre-pregnancy so I have been extra careful this time. I have extensive family history of Pre-Eclampsia in my family both my mum and sister had it in all their pregnancies so I did well to get to 38.5 with my first.

    As the other ladies have said not really anything you can do to stop it, but try to stay calm not stress as much. Try to limit coffee & chocolate. Lots of water. I am also doing preggi belllies this time to see if the excercise will help keep it down (may not be possible with your back). As I have had the worry of my BP on the higher side of normal for the last 2yrs I kind of know what triggers it to rise.

    Funny thing is mine was normal last time I went. I asked my ob to do it again as my DS is 2 and it's never been normal in all of those 2yrs lol. I said to DH it was because I drove my little car and not the big giant and wasn't as worried about finding parking.

    It can be serious so keep very close eye on it ask your DH to watch out for swelling. I didn't realise it at the time but I took on a lot of water and it wasn't until DH and my ob told me I could kind of see it.

    Look after yourself rest as much as possible. I know it's near to impossible with a toddler.

    Hansie x
  8. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    Yep, like sloane says, you can go on meds and/or bed rest. If your BP is in an ok range for you it may just be monitored. But if it's too high you might need to go on some medication. High BP over a long period of time is not good for your body.
  9. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    Yeah the only ways I got mine down were bedrest and meds.
  10. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    This is what worked for me. I went to 42w5 days with no problems using this list

    # Fish Oil supplement that is tested safe for heavy metal content
    # High protein diet of 75 to 100 grams daily, more if you already have pre-eclampsia
    # Plenty of water
    # Eat salt as taste requires
    # Calcium and Magnesium supplements (in the form of tablets or pregnancy herbal infusions & teas)
    # Moderate exercise
    # Avoid toxic substances that tax the liver and kidneys (caffeine, pollution from smokers or high traffic, strong chemicals and scents in the home, refined foods such as white sugar/flour/salt, processed foods, and take NO drugs at all.)
    # Full body water immersion is also supposed to help lower blood pressure
    # Foods for lowering blood pressure include garlic, cucumbers, parsley and onions.
    # Drink a cup of skullcap tea/infusion as needed
    # Drink red raspberry leaf, dandelion and nettle tea regularly
    # Balance your sodium and potassium levels in the body with raw beet juice (also increases calcium)
  11. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    Hey Sunshine, just wondering how u are going with this? is your BP the same,any other symptoms ?

    I had protein and a higher blood pressure my last visit as well, freaked me out a bit
  12. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    Have a dr appointment tomorrow so will let you know
    Had an ultrasound last week and everything is looking good so :crossfinger:
  13. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    Oh good hope it all goes Ok
  14. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    Dr is REALLY happy with my progress and it seems the likelyhood of PE is minimal. Bloods have been great, baby is great (if anything - it's in the lower percentiles for how far along I am) and only traces of protein.
    I'm happy with how everything is going and so is my gp - so i'm thinking i'll be fine.
  15. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    That's wonderful news! Keep up the good work!
  16. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    Glad to hear everything seems to be going well for you...hope it stays that way too !
  17. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    Thanks for the update Sunshine,glad all is well.

    My bloods were ok as well, and MW didnt seem concerned but of course u cant help but have a little worry about it.

  18. High BP and protein in urine. Pre Eclampsia? Advice needed PLEASE.


    Great news Sunshine, I am so happy for you Plenty more weeks of baking away happily!