Pre eclampsia without oedema?

thread: Pre eclampsia without oedema?

  1. Pre eclampsia without oedema?


    Pre eclampsia without oedema?

    OK, so I had PE with my first pg and was swollen up like a balloon... that horrible water retention where you can leave finger prints in your feet.
    With DS2 it showed up during and post labour and I swelled up briefly then.
    Yesterday at my ob appointment my bp was around 140/90. Only trace protein in urine sample. I was sent for bloods and have to go back today to get the results and have my bp checked again. BUT I have no swelling at all. My rings still fit, my ankles and face look normal. I had assumed this meant I was OK, but maybe that isn't the case.

    Has anyone ever had PE without the associated water retention?

  2. Pre eclampsia without oedema?


    If you have already had P.E, you can get it again in other pregnancies but it is usually less severe. Hence the no swelling.

    Im nervous about mine coming around this time.... I had severe P.E last pregnancy but I was already starting to swell by this stage (22 weeks). So fingers are crossed.
  3. Pre eclampsia without oedema?


    I never had significant swelling with my PE. It was summer so I did have slight swelling, but we put that down to warmer weather rather than the PE. It used to come and go.
  4. Pre eclampsia without oedema?


    Second time around I got no swelling either.
  5. Pre eclampsia without oedema?


    I only had PE come on quite late in my pregnancy (36 or so weeks) so it didn't really get to fully take hold, but I never had any swelling and could still wear my rings and normal shoes.
  6. Pre eclampsia without oedema?


    Thanks ladies. Looks like it may be the case for me this time too. It isn't PE yet, but my bp is high, some of my blood results were borderline and bubs growth has slowed right down. I am on very close watch again which I really wasn't expecting after my pregnancy with DS2... but I guess you never know what is going to happen.
  7. Pre eclampsia without oedema?


    Hopefully they can grab it before it gets too far hun.

    No you never can tell can you.