Signs of high BP (help)

thread: Signs of high BP (help)

  1. Signs of high BP (help)


    Signs of high BP (help)

    Done some googling but can't find anything.

    What are the signs of high blood pressure during pregnancy??

    I've had a early-migraine type feeling for a few days, feeling a bit flushed and generally unwell, tired.

    Can someone please help??

    I can't go to the hospital as I have no-one to take me, I don't drive, DH is on standby and cannot leave the house incase he gets called to a bushfire.

    ETA: I'm just over 13w, and didn't have any blood pressure problems with DD.
    Last edited by Charlotte91; January 1st, 2012 at 08:59 AM. : adding info
  2. Signs of high BP (help)


    Honestly hun, when i was 32 weeks pregnant my BP was 160/110 and i felt amazing, the one day i wasnt sore or felt like death and my BP was through the roof.

    Your symptoms may be that you have low BP.
  3. Signs of high BP (help)


    i had high BP from when i was 6 weeks PG with DS & i really didn't feel any different to normal. this time round my BP has been behaving so far but i did have headaches early on & felt generally crap. they usually really start worrying if the headaches are accompanied with swelling and/or visual disturbances.

    the symptoms could just be general PG things & because it's been quite warm for a few days. have you been drinking lots of water & taking it easy? (i sound like my mum now ). but if you're worried then i think it's always worth a call to the nurse on call number or to the hospital just to be on the safe side.
  4. Signs of high BP (help)


    Thanks, DH is on standby til 6pm so I can't really do anything til then.

    I've felt pretty dizzy the last few days, too.
    Maybe it is low blood pressure. I'll try and drink more, I have been drinking a bit.

    Can low BP affect bubs?
  5. Signs of high BP (help)


    If you are feeling really unwell, get DH to get someone to cover him for a couple of hours and get checked out.

    Maybe give Nurse On Call a ring 1300 60 60 24