Breastfeeding Chatter #16

thread: Breastfeeding Chatter #16

  1. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    Most general physios can also ultrasound blocked ducts - the equipment is the same as the ultrasound that they use for muscles. Make sure when you make the appointment that they are happy to do it though.
    Have a think about things like seatbelts, bras, slings, baby knees when they are in slings, and anything else that might be pushing on the affected area and making things worse. Also - go gently on the massage. Too vigorous and you can cause a blockage rather than clear it.
    And heat before feeds and cold afterwards is also helpful.

    To clear the blockages you have to get the breast really, really empty. This usually means feeding baby, pumping, and then hand squirting out the last little bit (and hopefully the blockage). Give hand expressing in the shower after a feed a shot - that was what usually worked for me.
  2. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    Yep i second that as I think (hope) I've got most of my own blockages cleared. I massaged firmly with baby oil after a hot shower last night, and this morning before feeding and pumping I sat with a hot washcloth for 5-10 minutes. The cloth really softened everything. But now my boob hurts where the lumps were and the muscles feel a little knotty... Maybe I was too firm?

    Teirae that's adorable! DD at the moment spends far too much time staring at me, trying to put her hands in my mouth and playing with my hair than actually feeding. Cherish the long relaxed feeds now I say.
  3. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    Netix, it's probably best that you don't let your little one go too long before feeds both for his weight gain and the health of your breasts. Just in the short term, wake him and feed him every three hours. don't ever let your breasts become overly full. If they are full and uncomfortable pick up your baby and feed him or express some milk for comfort. It seems tempting to let everyone sleep a bit longer, but not if the result is mastitis.
    Last edited by Jennifer13; July 17th, 2012 at 05:32 PM.
  4. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    Kim; thanks. There's really nothing that pushes on my bb's that could be making things worse. My bra isn't too tight (well, I don't believe it is), and the mw's told me to not go without a well-fitting bra for too long to help prevent over-engorgement. And I am not good at hand expressing .

    Barb; mack doesn't go too long between feeds, except at night, where sometimes he might sleep for five or six hours... And yes, I use that time for sleeping . I don't think I could wake myself to feed him.
  5. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    So DD has this habit of snacking - though she will go a long time between 'snacks', like 3 or sometimes more hours. She will make like she's really hungry, then only take a few sips. Sometimes a burp is involved but even after winding her she won't go back on. In fact regardless of apparent wind or not, if she's had her measly few sucks she will make a huge fuss if even suggest she has more. Is this normal? It has nothing to do with letdown - at least not consistently- as sometimes she does this before letdown and other times after. I've tried different positions, walking while feeding, feeding in a dim quiet room, feeding with her face partially covered, tricking her with a dummy...
  6. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    Ladylove, how long has she been doing it? For me I'd say its normal, DS done that a lot right up until 12 months. It'd go for 2-3 days and just when I was starting to get a little angsty he'd suddenly feed normally again. They wont let themselves starve, if they are really hungry they'll eat. Thats what I kept telling myself when I started to think "hmmm is this something more???" and then bam, normal feeding again
  7. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    Sorry in advance for the me post....... Does anyone have any recommendations for lactation consultants in Perth?

    Ive got blocked ducts which are so painful but the reason we think isbthat DD has a weak suck. I also suffer from vasospas which im not entirely sure isnt frompoor attachment even though everyone here (i am in country WA) says it looks perfect. Im offto perth in a week or so and want to see an LC while im there. These blockages will keep happening unless we get DD to suck harder i think.

    LC recommendations or advice ingeneral is much appreciated!ill come back later too do a proper post hopefully with nice soft boobies!
  8. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    whereabouts in Perth will you be?
    sometimes attachment is just a bit off and that can stop babies from effectively draining the breast. Has she been thoroughly checked for tongue tie, etc? You could also call the ABA - 1800-686-268 - or post a question for barb glare, our resident LC.
    I think the 'weak suck' thing really often means "we don't know why".
  9. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    Shan23 she's been going longer between feeds for about two months and the snickety-snacking has been a few weeks.
  10. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    I'll be south if the river near huntingdale. You could be right it is so frustrating not having adequate services here. You feel so isolated and forgotten and you know what I live about an hour away from a major regional city and don't mind travelling there but there isn't any point. There is nothing!

    Going to call ABA tomorrow about the blockages and the latch/weak suck. At the moment the poor poppet is feeding but not getting much. We are feeding in all sorts of positions and every 1-2 hours. Hoping they clear soon and we can move on.

    Went to book ultrasound at the physio and apparently you need to have been on antibiotics for 24 hours prior. But I don't have an infection...yet however if I don't get these cleared I may do. Seems silly to me. I don't understand why but was in no state this morning to discuss politely.

    In the meantime ill keep expressing, massaging and feeding

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    How many wet/dirty nappies? How are the weight gains, etc?

    That policy doesn't make much sense to me!

    There's a lactation clinic at Mercy Hospital, which is a bit of a hike from there, but also has specialist physios who do ultrasound.
    You can find a few names here - Barb would be able to suggest someone too, as can an ABA counsellor, if you ask (they can give you 3 names).
    The other one I know of in Perth is Rebecca Glover, she's in Lesmurdie. (google her)
  12. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    A woohoo for me. DS is 6 months old and has been pretty much exclusively breastfed (dd has tried feeding him random stuff when we are not watching). We offered him some potato and carrot slices last night. So, 27 months breastfeeding and 6 months tandem breastfeeding for me.
  13. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    Hotl that's excellent. And lol re your DD.
  14. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    thats fantastic HotI, this is when we need the like button =)
  15. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    Well done, Hot1!
  16. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    wow! well done
  17. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    That's awesome hoti!

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  18. Breastfeeding Chatter #16


    We are going to our first ABA meet today =), todays is just a play n chat, so no special topics, but will be good to meet some different people, hopefully I dont bombared too many of them with questions!!

    actually, we went to the doctor yesterday because I have a cold complete with green yummy stuff (ew), and she seemed like she might be getting it, anyway, the doctor made a few comments about her rolls and chubby cheeks and how awesome a job I am doing BF her because she is so healthy =)