OK I am the worlds BIGGEST MORON
I needed PETROL , I knew I should have got some yesterday but didnt realise after the light came on it was a matter of 5kms before Id be in trouble.
So the incline on my driveway was the problem with no fuel, such a DUMB thing to do and it cost me $20 to get the neighbour to go buy fuel for me, the jerry can , and DS's day at preschool which is not only money wasted but my sanity stretched, as he was whinging to go to preschool for most of the day,
and I had a million things I NEEDED to do Without Him ( prenatal appt missed and bloodtests , IHR GD test and just a few more things, as he is a handful at the shops lately...
Now he is asleep and I am completely worn out... And have to wait a whole week for time to do these things that I need to do
But alteast he helped me make choc brownies whilst we waited for the neighbours
Cooking now....
WHAT A STUPID MISTAKE < someone slap me please