Ok, so I technically belong in the 2nd Trimester Belly Belly group as I'm pregnant with my first child. However I'm a step mum to a 4.5 yr old and 18mth old (so have had to learn pretty quickly).
Yesterday I picked up the 4.5yr old from pre-school for the first time, and the teacher came over to me with a big red piece of paper wrapped around the museli bar I had packed for Emma saying they have a 'no nuts' policy. Fair enough, I understand some kids have allergies to nuts and it can cause very bad reactions to them - so for total safety, there is a no nut policy. No worries - makes sense (it made me feel old and wonder how much things have changed since I went to school when there were no bans of any kinds on food ).
Then she goes on to tell me that they also have a water only policy, no cordial allowed. Apparently Emma was hyper active in the morning due to the cordial I had packed for her. I wondered how do you tell a hyperactive four year old from an energetic one (which Emma is, no matter if she's had very little sugars in food or drink or not)...
Is this water policy in most pre schools that you all know about, or where your kiddies go?
What other bans does your kids' pre-schools have in place? I know the obvious like no toy guns, weapons, superhero outfits, hat policies etc - any other bizzare ones out there?