If I had unlimited resources I would definately be a sahm.
If I had unlimited resources I would definately be a sahm.
I must have voted at some point, but I think I would have a mix of homecare and childcare. Nanny preferably until they are 3. Just for those times when you want to have a shower... or just 10 minutes to enjoy a hot coffee. Without having to jump up & run. I have Matilda in family day care 2 days a week because I was back at work, now I'm not working with a newborn & she's still in care and asks to see kids everyday. She will start in a centre in a few months 1 day a week for more social interaction but other than that... I like her being home more than away from it. I like being involved with her & miss her some days when she's not here. I love seeing her learn & discover new things.
yeah id get a cleaner
Oh I'm with you Barb on the Manny! (just have to find a good looking one... apparently they can charge up to L2000 per week in London!)
I think a mix of parent, grandparent and day care for me. My boys are in Family Day Care three days per week (about to go fulltime when I go to the bar) and have had the same daycarer since Alex was 11 months old. She's really like a substitute grandparent to them, they love her and miss her when we go on holidays. She really misses them too, and often calls us when we're away (or she's away) because she wants to talk to the boys. She's more like a family member than a daycarer. And she's been super supportive, both to the boys and me, through my separation from XH.
For a time, my Dad looked after Alex one or two days a week, when I worked fulltime, and this was a blessing too. Dad also helped out a lot (as did Mum) during my pregnancy with Ned, which was awful, and I had to spend a lot of time on bedrest. Needless to say, XH's parents, who live 15 mins drive away, don't spend any time at all with the kids. Unfortunate but true.
However, Alex is beginning kinder this year (3 y.o.) which I think he really needs. He's the oldest child at family daycare, which means he's more the leader of the pack, and I think he needs to spend more time with children his age and older, so he can experience what it is like to be just one of the kids, rather than the boss (or so he thinks!)
The only hassle was making arrangements to get Alex to and from kinder and daycare! It was a huge hassle! However, it's done now, and hopefully will work out for us.
I guess it's different for everyone. I, personally, can't be a SAHM, I have to work, otherwise I go stir crazy. I truly respect those who want to be SAHMs, it's just not in me to be able to do that. I love my children deeply, but I just can't look after them full time. Again, a big part of this is career-based, but it's also my personality.
I love the mix I have at the moment, Mondays and Fridays with the kids, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at work.
I guess what I'm saying is that it's different for everybody.
Definately a mixture of Homecare and Daycare.
Daycare twice a week and home for the other 5.
I love being home with my boys, watching them grow and learning new things, but daycare is invaluable. It helps to develop self esteem, build social skills, enhances motor development, challenges cognitive development, develops independence and self worth... I could go on, I am a little bias though as I've worked in childcare for the past 11yrs.
Xander was in daycare from 13wks and since having Baylee, Im now a SAHM, I think he misses it. He loved it.
my child has all those skills and has never went to daycare in her life (well working on social skills as she has a speech disorder but she still went to playgroup, kindergym, etc which are all 'social'.)
everyone always comments to me how well settled my jade was at kindy - she never minded if i left her - because i never forced her before she was readyit is a complete myth that your child needs to learn to seperate from you at daycare at a young age imo. it can make seperation anxiety way worse.(amongst other things)
This is how I see it...
No one can look after my child better than me. I am her mother, it is my job, it is why I am on this earth. I don't care how qualified or how kind the person is, its nothing against them, I just feel that I can do the best job because I know her inside and out, I know her quirks and her dislikes.
My daughter is in childcare right now and while I am sure they can look after her (I know they can) I still feel that I could do it better, but time and money doesn't permit me to do that. That's how I feel.