I took my DD to the dentist for the 1st time today.. I knew she had a hole in one of her molars, which I noticed when we were brushing last week. And I have no idea what I thought they would do, but was floored when they said surgery, full general anesthetic..
She needs a crown to protect the tooth until it is replaced by the permanent tooth. The hole is deep and the filler will not work for the life of the tooth. And being the age she is, to do this they are saying under a general..
Do we keep getting the filler put in, in the dentist chair and possibly risk her fearing the dentist for life, or do we go the whole surgery and have it done and theoreticlly not have to worry about that one again. Do I have any other options? Can it be done without a general? What would it involve?
I am quite wary of being told this is the only option straight up. I was told for myself last year that I would need a general for my wisdom teeth. I got a 2nd opinion and had them removed in the chair within 10 minutes, so it makes me wary, very wary of the most extreme option.
I did message an old school friend who is now a dentist (unfortunately he is in vic, I am in qld), who mentioned that it is common practice and safe unless there are other health issues, especially heart issues. We told the dentist that DD has a heart murmur that was picked up in a routine dr's visit/health check, and we are waiting for further tests to confirm whether it is something of concern or not. She made no mention of this risk when explaining the details of the surgery.
I know no-one can make this decision for us, but what are your thoughts? Being private, we can do this at a time that suits, and we will not even consider it until the heart murmur has been checked (unless there is a sudden onset of pain in DD and we will re-evaluate). My friend also suggested going to a pediatric dentist to put my mind at rest.. We did see a specialist peadiatric dentist