Cradle Cap on Babies - Treatments and Remedies for Cradle Cap

thread: Cradle Cap on Babies - Treatments and Remedies for Cradle Cap

  1. Cradle Cap on Babies - Treatments and Remedies for Cradle Cap


    Cradle Cap on Babies - Treatments and Remedies for Cradle Cap

    Check out BellyBelly's article on cradle cap and feel free to share your thoughts and experiences here.

    What worked for you?
    Last edited by BellyBelly; October 23rd, 2012 at 02:24 PM.
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
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    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  2. Cradle Cap on Babies - Treatments and Remedies for Cradle Cap


    DD2 has a pretty full on case of it. She's three months old this week. We've tried olive oil and a shampoo recommended by the chemist but in both instances it was back the next morning, still thick.

    We've started using small amounts of paw paw ointment. While she's in the bath, I massage a tiny amount through her hair and behind her ears and wash it off straight away. I've been brushing her hair, against the fall of her hair, straight afterwards. It vanishes for a few days, then comes back but thinner and covering less of her scalp.

    DD1 had it too, but much milder than DD1. Our MCHN at the time told me that just massaging her scalp would encourage the natural oils in her skin to kick in and it would go away. We didn't treat DD1's and it did go. I can't remember the timeframe though.
  3. Cradle Cap on Babies - Treatments and Remedies for Cradle Cap


    I just give Spocks head a wash in the bath with her bubbles (just johnstons baby wash nothing exciting) and use a soft bristled brush and brush her head a few different directions. (her hair is only 1 cm long), that alone has gotten rid of 90% of it. she still has a little bit but nothing like it was and its not getting any worse. I found rubbing oil in her head did nothing in terms of getting rid of it.
  4. Cradle Cap on Babies - Treatments and Remedies for Cradle Cap


    All of my LOs have had cradle cap to some extent, the thing I found the most effective (and still 'natural' too) was a quite liberal application of olive oil usually after a bath, massage it in and leave overnight. In the morning give a really good rub with a baby brush. If repeated every other day or when needed it will clear it up. Just make sure NOT to use baby oil as its petroleum based and tends to 'burn' most babies skin. I also choose use a soap free wash because I found and soaps fragrances etc would irritate the scalp and make cradle cap worse... HTH someone
  5. Cradle Cap on Babies - Treatments and Remedies for Cradle Cap


    Coconut oil!!! It's the best. I started using it when bub was still in NICU and use it every day. It's the best ever stuff and everyone compliments how soft his skin is
  6. Cradle Cap on Babies - Treatments and Remedies for Cradle Cap


    Which brand and where do you get uour coconut oil?

    After reading this i did some research and found woolies sells it in the asian food aisle. Can i use that? Or need specific one from health food store?

    Thnx dd2 has really really bad cradle cap
  7. Cradle Cap on Babies - Treatments and Remedies for Cradle Cap


    Yep coconut oils great (im just a cheap skate so I use olive oil instead lol) any coconut oil/butter would be fine its all the same stuff, but it may be worth checking the health food store coz you may be surprised at the price- I was the first time I bought it there!
  8. Cradle Cap on Babies - Treatments and Remedies for Cradle Cap


    Not sure of the one in woolies, but as long as it's organic virgin coconut oil it's fine..
  9. Cradle Cap on Babies - Treatments and Remedies for Cradle Cap


    My DS had it quite bad and he started going bald from it at 4mnths? Not sure if this would have happened anyway since he is my first lol. I tried a few things and eventually what worked was putting a bicarbonate paste on his scalp at start of bath and then wash off at end of bath. After a few days it was gone. I also brushed his hair with a soft tooth brush lol (didn't have any baby brushes!)

    He know has beautiful long hair lol - and possibly already needs a hair cut
  10. Cradle Cap on Babies - Treatments and Remedies for Cradle Cap


    My DS had it quite bad and he started going bald from it at 4mnths? Not sure if this would have happened anyway since he is my first lol. I tried a few things and eventually what worked was putting a bicarbonate paste on his scalp at start of bath and then wash off at end of bath. After a few days it was gone. I also brushed his hair with a soft tooth brush lol (didn't have any baby brushes!)

    He know has beautiful long hair lol - and possibly already needs a hair cut
    Agree with this. I smother their hair in a paste of sodium bicarbonate and water, let it dry, then wash it off.
  11. Cradle Cap on Babies - Treatments and Remedies for Cradle Cap


    Cradle Cap on Babies - Treatments and Remedies for Cradle Cap

    DD2 had horrendous cradle cap that lasted for months. I tried olive oil, baby oil etc and found Dermaveen bath oil the only thing that worked.