
thread: Croup

  1. Croup



    DD and DS both had the flu/cold at the begining of last week, and then a cough that caused me to take both to the dr on friday where they were diagnosed with croup.

    They were given medicine to take for 3 days (fri - sun), and i was advised to keep them warm and use a vaporiser especially at night.

    I have done this, but there is not much improvement.

    Is this normal with croup or do i need to go back to the drs? Would they still be able to pass on the sickness?
  2. Croup


    Croup comes from any old cold, it's how it affects the child that makes it croup ITMS.
    Are they on predmix?? Do they have stridor?
  3. Croup


    Yep, it was predmix they are on for 3 days. not sure what stridor is.

    so is croup a description of the cough rather than a specific condition?
  4. Croup


    Hi hun. Croup is a viral infection in the throat that affects the windpipe and voicebox. Because the windpipe in babies and kids is soft and small, the swelling caused by the virus can give them trouble breathing and also cause the horrible barking "croup cough". The windpipe in older kids and adults is larger and stronger so even when an adult gets the virus they don't generally have breathing problems or get the cough.

    Prednisolone is a Corticosteroid which suppresses the immune system and reduces inflammation. It's used in this case to reduce the swelling in the throat and generally works within a couple of days. It's been found that steam therapy doesn't help croup and it's no longer recommended if there is a risk of a child getting scalded/burnt. Antibiotics don't do anything either because it's a virus.

    Croup usually only last a few days and is at it's worst for the first two days. If it's been much longer than that and your kids aren't improving yet I'd probably have them checked again.

    My son got croup when he was 6 weeks old and the dr said he'd be worse the second night. Thankfully for us he seemed to beat the virus in less than 24 hours and improved the second night. That first night with breathing difficulties was scary though, so my thoughts go out to you ♥