Hearing loss after grommets - how quickly?

thread: Hearing loss after grommets - how quickly?

  1. Hearing loss after grommets - how quickly?


    Hearing loss after grommets - how quickly?

    I feel silly asking this as I should know really having been through this before, but how quickly after grommets come out do you notice hearing loss if it reoccurs? Boytwin was checked by the GP a few weeks ago and I was told one grommet was out of the eardrum but still in his ear, and the other one was still in place. I have noticed he has lost his balance a lot which was why I took him to the GP, but yesterday I noticed he isn't responding when his name is called any more. When I get close to him he seems genuinely surprised like he hadn't realised I was saying something. His speech isn't too bad but there are still times when I haven't a clue what he is saying.

    I've booked him in for a hearing test, but is it too soon for him to have problems from the grommets coming out? I don't want to be over protective, but equally he starts school soon and I don't want him to be at a disadvantage because of his hearing.

  2. Hearing loss after grommets - how quickly?


    I would assume it can occur from the time it falls out, if he had glue ear then the ear drum won't vibrate properly hence hearing issues. He needs the pressure in his ear checked
  3. Hearing loss after grommets - how quickly?


    thanks Olive, I feel better about booking the hearing test now My GP is always so quick to dismiss me it makes me doubt myself. I really need a new GP
  4. Hearing loss after grommets - how quickly?


    We went back to the ENT as soon as I could get in after the first set came out, so maybe a few weeks, and they did a hearing test on the day to determine what the hearing loss was like. Before any grommets it was 50% in each ear, after it was 5% in L ear, so we went with just 1 grommet going back in. For other kids the ENT would have left it,. but with all of DS issues we wanted to be able to 100% rule out any physical hearing loss.

    But you do need a new GP if they dismiss you. I like that mine will listen to me and take me seriously, but every now and again if I'm going too far they will tell me it's not necessary, but at least I trust them and they trust that I also know myself & my kids. But good GP's are hard to find!
  5. Hearing loss after grommets - how quickly?


    This GP is great in that you an always get an appointment, he bulk bills, and supports my delayed vaccinations. But I find when I need a referral I have to push and when he sent one through for a paed for boytwin he did so with the note "history of chest infections" which meant I had to sit for 20 minutes and retell the story of every infection, pneumonia, etc. I just can't find another one who bulk bills