High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.

thread: High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.

  1. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.

    DS is obviously not well today
    Been crying in pain on and off all morning. Complaining his tongue hurts, but if I ask him to point to where it hurts he touches his jaw just below his ear and wants me to put my hand over it and hide in the dark under my arm.
    Gave him some nurofen and he was ok for a couple of hours, but it must have worn off because he's feeling a bit warm and just came and gave me a cuddle and fell straight asleep, which NEVER happens. He rarely has a day sleep at all and only ever falls asleep on the boob.

    One of the glands in his neck is swollen but it's on the opposite side to the one hes complaining about.
    His breathing is a little quicker than usual and sound a little laboured. But that may be because he's curled up on me?
    He has gotten noticeably warmer since he fell asleep.

    Do I need to get him to a doctor today or should I just wait and see?

    He's twitching in his sleep.
  2. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    I'd take him to the doctor, it sounds like an ear infection. Personally I wouldn't wait until Monday if he is in pain.
  3. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    If you are worried, I would either go to your GP or to the emergency room.

    Hope he feels better soon
  4. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


  5. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    could also be mumps? i had them when i was little (30+ years ago now!) but i clearly remember how painful it was and the pain was located more around my jawline kind of just below the ear....

    hope your little guy feels better soon
  6. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    Poor little guy

    Hope you get in to a dr and he feels better soon!
  7. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    No doctors today, tried to get in but everywhere was closed and I wasn't going to sit in a waiting room at an after hours clinic for hours at dinner time/ arsenic hour. After his sleep he was still a little hot but otherwise his normal happy self. I gave him some Nurofen and put him to bed. I'll see how he is in the morning.

    Thanks everyone for your help. If it was earlier in the day it would have been no problem but he didn't wake up until 1:30, we ate lunch and by then it was a bit late to organise anything.
  8. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    how's your little guy doing?
  9. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    Completely back to normal. He woke up fine yesterday, still had a slight temp but otherwise fine.
    No idea what was wrong but he seems to be over it now.

    Thank you for thinking of us
  10. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    Aww yay! glad he's doing better
  11. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    Spoke too soon. Drying his ears after his bath tonight and he started screaming
    He's complained a couple of times today his legs hurt and he has a few little spots - one on his tummy and a couple in his groin area.

    Going to call the house call doctor people tomorrow. (That's the "official" term LOL)
  12. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    poor little guy hope you can get some answers tomorrow and he's feeling better soon

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  13. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    Aww shame poor little guy any luck with the Doc?
  14. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    I called the home visit doc and they said they don't take bookings until after 4pm and don't start house calls until 6pm (DS bedtime- of course). By which time he was fine again he's been fine since so I guess I'll just keep an eye on him and if it happens again I'll get him to a doctor when I can.
  15. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    sounds like whatever it is/was is viral and is running its course!
    glad he's doing better
  16. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    Hope he's ok
  17. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    we have all been horribly sick at the moment and alot of thoes symptoms my DS has had. big temps bright red ears very sleepy and now has developed a cough. Hope he is better
  18. High temp, sore tongue (?), sore jaw below ear. Help please.


    how's he going today?

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