My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital

thread: My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital

  1. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital

    I'm laying beside my beautiful baby. We have been here all day. I noticed her toe was inflamed and the skin peeling back first thing this morning. We raced her to hospital.

    They suspect it is staph infection and have treated her with antibiotics all day. We are staying overnight.

    They have tested for viral as well and we should get the results Thursday or Friday.

    It's horrible not knowing definitively. My baby has been her normal happy self and hasn't presented any sickness symptoms besides the infection on her toe. She's being wonderful. Attached to the drip can't be much fun at all. She's eating, sleeping and drinking as normal.

    Doctors are saying much. Just waiting for results. It's excruciating. So, here I am, looking for any advice, help experience anyone has.

    I'm desperate. I've been crying on and off all day. She is my first child and I'm so scared.
  2. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital



    Take a big breath, how scary this is for you xox your in the best place atm, I hope you get answers real soon xoxox
  3. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    I love this forum. Thank you for replying so quickly. I'm watching my darling sleep right now. She's so beautiful.

    Thank you for your kind words.
  4. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    Your welcome, make sure you get some sleep yourself... you still need to look after you so you can look after her xox

    Hope she is better in the morning xox
  5. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    Aww sorry to hear but chances are she will be fine. She is in the right place.

    My first baby was in hospital at 12mths old, although different scenario but nonetheless it was scary!!

    Keep us updated. Thinking of you xx
  6. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    Hope she's ok
  7. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    Oh sweetie, how scary for you.

    I too have been in hospital with my lil one, waiting on answers from doctors.
    As others have said, you are in the right place and you did a wonderful job getting her there quick smart.

    I hope you both get some sleep tonight and get some answers.
    Lots of hugs xx
  8. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    My bubs has been sleeping on schedule all day and she doesn't appear sick at all. Still giggly and goofy as always. She has been sleeping soundly with the drip in since 6pm. Stirred once because she couldn't roll over with drip. Obs are all perfect. No temp and heart rate is great.

    My sister-in-law was right when she gave me a card when we finally became pregnant with DD. It said "Welcome to the world of worrying".
  9. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    Hope you get home again soon.
  10. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    I hope you and your little girl are both at home soon.
  11. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    hope she's home ASAP.
  12. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    Big hugs.
  13. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    My DD spent a night in hospital at 11 months hooked up to an IV. It was awful to watch her laying her there.

    Hope she recovers quickly xoxo
  14. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    My bubs has been sleeping on schedule all day and she doesn't appear sick at all. Still giggly and goofy as always. She has been sleeping soundly with the drip in since 6pm. Stirred once because she couldn't roll over with drip. Obs are all perfect. No temp and heart rate is great.

    My sister-in-law was right when she gave me a card when we finally became pregnant with DD. It said "Welcome to the world of worrying".
  15. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    Thank you for your well wishes. They're greatly appreciated.

    I'm scared to fall asleep.
  16. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    Thank you for your well wishes. They're greatly appreciated.

    I'm scared to fall asleep.
    Tell the nurses that. They will keep a close eye on her
    Sleeping in paed wards are awful, so uncomfortable.
  17. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    Thanks for the advice. I did tell them and they've been fantastic. DD loves the nurses. She never puts her arms out for pick-ups and cuddles for anyone except DH and myself. Today she did it for two nurses.
  18. My 10 month old has an infection and is in hospital


    How did she go overnight? I hope you were able to get some sleep.