When inviting children from childcare to birthday parties is it reciprocal? E.g. Do you mainly invite children who you have been to the parties of?
DD is nearly four and she has never been invited to a birthday party by anyone at childcare (been there three years) - I know they go on because one of her close friends from childcare is in our mothers group so I hear from her mum - she has had invites to at least 6 parties over the years. I have always assumed that because we have never had a party (just not really our thing and have been on holiday for two out of three birthdays) that is why DD has never had an invite. Or DH says is because people don't know how to spell DD's name :-)
Anyway one of the girls I know DD is friendly with is having a party in a few weeks so subject came up when out with friend from mothers group, DD doesn't have an invite,- so I mentioned to MG friend that DD had never had one from childcare - and she seemed to think it was a bit strange? Is it?