Has anyone tried a Grug cake?

thread: Has anyone tried a Grug cake?

  1. Has anyone tried a Grug cake?


    Has anyone tried a Grug cake?

    I've googled for some images/ideas & find them pretty uninspiring. I had in mind a 3D one, probably with a dolly varden (sp?) tin I guess. I had thought I'd make individual fondant hairs by pressing it through some kind of holey device (LOL, you can see how experienced I am! I've done it with play dough ) or even individual Grug cupcakes but still "hairy"... Can't seem to find any images that match my mind-picture.
    Are there any Grug fans out there who've given this a try? Phoebe's birthday is in a few weeks & she's a solid Grug fan.

  2. Has anyone tried a Grug cake?


    If you upturned cupcakes, you could turn them into mini-grugs with fondant quite easily. It would be fiddly, but fairly straight forward I would think....

    We love Grug in this house too!
  3. Has anyone tried a Grug cake?


    You'd turn the cupcakes upside down? Hmm. I was thinking I could use the rounded tops & stick fondant feet out the bottom...?
    You're right, I've got no concept of how fiddly it is going to be. Maybe a 2D version will be the go after all.
  4. Has anyone tried a Grug cake?


    I think the 3D cake would be achievable, having said that I tend to be too ambitious with what I attempt (and suffer the consequences later!) so I'm not sure if I am the person to listen to
    Instead of a kind of garlic press type method for a big cake, you could roll out fondant thin and cut it into super skinny strips (using a specific tool for cutting strips or a pasta cutter) which might make the hair a bit easier to handle and less likely to break. You could then do 2 different shades of brown to make it more Grug-y with this method. But I think for cupcakes you would go single colour and garlic press method.
    If you google fondant hair tutorial or look on pinterest there are some pages and videos that show different ways to do hair that might help with ideas?
  5. Has anyone tried a Grug cake?


    Ooh, thank you. YES a pasta maker would be the perfect tool! Will look at those videos later. I am feeling quite pumped about this now
    Just need to decide if I go for the big or little Grugs...
  6. Has anyone tried a Grug cake?


    I would love to see photos of the end product! I have faith that you can pull the brilliant/harebrained Grug cake off
  7. Has anyone tried a Grug cake?


    Go on Pinterest they have a few 3D grug cakes on there.
  8. Has anyone tried a Grug cake?


    Has anyone tried a Grug cake?

    Old pudding pot should be around the right shape - try your local op shops
    Or one of the large cupcake shaped mould and trim the difference.
    As for the hair toasted coconut, buttercream in a sauce bottle layered to give the hair effect.

    Good luck would love to see what it looks like!
  9. Has anyone tried a Grug cake?


    I have to hide my head in shame but have never been on pinterest! better take a look.
    Toasted coconut a brilliant idea MLR... Except the birthday girl doesn't like it, lol!
    Thanks for the ideas.
  10. Has anyone tried a Grug cake?


    Just to throw another option in the mix.... Instead of making Grug hair, why not cover the cake (or upturned cupcakes) with fondant (painted in Grug hair colour), then press a smooth butter knife blade into the fondant to make lines. Or paint after pressing the lines. Just saying. . Good luck.
  11. Has anyone tried a Grug cake?


    Has anyone tried a Grug cake?

    How did you go snacks?
  12. Has anyone tried a Grug cake?


    D-day (or should I say, B-day!) is next Friday. I'm thinking cupcakes because I'm losing my nerve, lol! Will post pics... if they're any good