SO up until now both kids have had parties at home with all our friends and family, usually around 20 -30 adults plus about 10-15 kids depending on the year. Super fun, super easy and at home at our old place which was big enough inside and out for everyone.
DD is turning 6 in May and I always said from prep onwards it would be a kids from school party - maybe something like the number of kids of her age but either way I need help!
How do parents know if they have to stay or not?? I think I wouldn't mind the kids staying alone if it's only 5-6 of them at home but anywhere else I would be hesitant. Do I need to be explicit on the invite?? She's invited to a little party next week at a local nursery and I have no idea if I am meant to stay or not!
I need ideas on what to do! Our house is small, smelly and space limited. We do a have a massive table where they could sit and have a high tea type party but not sure how long that would entertain 5-6 girls ( Im pretty sure she would only invite girls if limited to a small number as their gang has about 9 in it!) although might search on pinterest for some ideas!!!
It's going to May, freezing so although we are beachside, it's going to be too cold to head to a park. There is a local play centre but not going there, not sure what our other options are really other than being at home!!
Ok hit me with ideas for a pink, fairy loving active little chicken!