Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202

thread: Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202

  1. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


    Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202

    This thread is for you to share your experiences with different cloth nappies.

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    Continuing on from here.
  2. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202

  3. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


    Dammit, huge poo this morning and her poor bottom looks really sore again.
  4. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


    poor bubbas and their bums =(

    on a plus not a few mths ago I bought 2 new nappies, but she sent me the wrong one, so last week I got the one I ordered and she let me keep the one that was sent by mistake =) so free nappy!!
    just need to wait a little longer to use it
  5. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


    Yay free nappy!

    I've been loving bicarb in the bath for rashly bum. Cleared up the antibiotic rash quick smart. We're good as new now.
  6. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


    I've been using bicarb in the bath too, with teatree to clean up a nasty rash. DD2's poos have been horrendous and it seems she might be lactose intolerant. She's always avoided cheese when it's offered and only recently have we been offering her cows milk with the bigger kids. We went from one regular poo per day to 5 wet ones.
    Her little bottom just wasn't getting a rest no matter how quick I was so I've been doing 2 baths a day and we've had the best improvement yet (oh and cutting out the cow stuff).

    WOHB: Boosted BubbaMoo OSFM
  7. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


    How much (approx) Bi-carb do you put in?
  8. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


  9. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


    I'm subbing too
  10. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


    Me too
  11. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


    DD has had the worst poo rash too! how much bicarb are you putting in the bath?
  12. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


    Oops sorry Dollyroux, just saw your question
  13. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


    ummm a bit?!?!
    I don't really know, I just give the container a good shake lol.
  14. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


    Might try the bi-carb too, Kim. I have used Nappy Balm (MooGoo) for the last few days, with BBH hemp and bamboo fitteds and a wool cover. Seems to have made a big difference and it isn't hurting her now. Just a bit more healing to go.

    WOHB: BBH bamboo with Disana wool cover (at a guess, the nanny would have changed her!)
  15. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


    I have used zinc and castor oil cream and natural baby powder to help napping rash.
  16. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


    I use exactly 1/3 cup bicarb. I know ths because DD1 likes to tip it in, so I giver a measuring cup What I can't tell you, though, is how big my bath is! It's about 15cm deep, and 120cm long.

    I have used zinc and castor oil cream and natural baby powder to help napping rash.
    This is not great for the nappies, unfortunately. It clogs them up and hinders their absorbency. I use a microfleece liner if I need to use a zinc cream.

    In other news, I just sent my 10th nappy to landfill. 7 sposies, two worn-to-the-bone MCNs, and now one DFM which I left n the swimming bag for two weeks (school holidays! Ouch!) then washed. It was already on its last legs, but the acid wee just ate right through any last hope it had at life. I'm struggling with that a lot, now that we're only washing every 3 days instead of every 2. I think I'm going to have to start wet pailing or something.
  17. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


    *post moved to help for new users thread*
    Last edited by Dot Face; July 23rd, 2013 at 09:26 PM.
  18. Cloth Nappy General Discussion #202


    I have answered in the other thread.