Flats or MCNs? Advice please

thread: Flats or MCNs? Advice please

  1. Flats or MCNs? Advice please


    Flats or MCNs? Advice please

    Hi all,

    I'm after some advice.
    I ended up just using flat nappies with my DS1. I kept meaning to give fitted a try but we just got into a groove with flat and ended up sticking with it cause it was a whole lot cheaper. In general I found it worked really well. Once he got to about 1.5yr or so we had trouble with the folds staying in place cause he was moving around so much. Also I did find them a bit bulky and was sometimes worried about him lying on his back with the nappy kind of holding his bum up higher than the rest of him.

    Now DS2 is due in a few months and I'm wondering whether we should just go with flat nappies again or whether we should go with some MCNs, and if we go with MCNs which ones to go with... We'll probably just stick with muslin flats for the first few months so we'll have a bit of time to work it out and order nappies. I found the muslin flats particularly easy with newborn DS, it got a little harder when we shifted to the bamboo flats at 3-4 months old.

    Flats will certainly be cheaper as we still have pretty well everything from DS1, but since we still have pretty well everything we need for a baby maybe we can spare a bit of money to get some MCNs especially as we already have the covers.

    So what do you guys think?

    Are MCNs significantly better than flats?
    What are the benefits of MCNs over flats?
    How have you found MCNs once baby is really up and running all round the place, do they stay in place?
    Do MCNs also have the bulky issue at night?

    Do you have specific recommendations for MCNs? And if so why?

  2. Flats or MCNs? Advice please


    Re: Flats or MCNs? Advice please

    I think the only downside to MCNs is that they are costly...and in comparison to flats are a lot easier to use...so you might end up preferring to use them and do a total switch lol.

    But in all seriousness...i would use flats for when bubs is teeny tiny newbie as MCNs generally need to be NB size...as the one size ones tend to need baby to be over the 5kg mark.

    MCNs are not necessarily better in the way they work...but they are awesomely easy and convenient. they dry super fast and do not need any extra folding or work. Of course there are different brands that work better than others, but this could be a difference of opinion and uses, so people generally say to get a couple of a few brands to try out. in our case i have never looked back from using BumGenius. But i have used BabyBeeHinds and they are fabulous; whereas cushie tushies were no good for us as i think i have big wetters lol.

    I find that they they are heaps flatter than the flats so dont have that issue of the bulk up the back.

    MCNs do stay in place - especially those with the snaps. once bubs is big enough some of the nappies with velcro can seem a bit enticing to pull off (the same as any disposable). but overall, they stay on and dont move!

    Like i said above i love my bumgenius, babybeehinds and ecobots.

  3. Flats or MCNs? Advice please


    Re: Flats or MCNs? Advice please

    I used Ebay cheapies with my DS2, they are a pocket mcn and loved them. I found them no extra work really and am planning on using the same stash for DS2 when he arrives. They are cheap and do the job well and found no issues with bulk. I did try flats and didn't find much difference effortwise if that helps give some idea of work involved
  4. Flats or MCNs? Advice please


    Re: Flats or MCNs? Advice please

    I've just started using some $8 ones off eBay from nsw and they are greAt no leaks and they have a bunch if snaps on front so Can make different sizes not sure about flats though i am curious I'm guessing you'd need a cover over them too
  5. Flats or MCNs? Advice please


    Re: Flats or MCNs? Advice please

    I use both, and have tried just about everything, mostly out of curiosity!

    I love flats. I'm working towards only using them, as it's just so much simpler. The folding and snapping and sorting out which insert goes with which nappy can get a bit tedious.
    Ebay cheapies suck. I have a stash at each of the grandparents' houses and they just don't fit as well, they're not as absorbent, and they don't last. For my DD2, they also leak, frequently.
    My favourite benefit of MCNs over flats is how fast they are to put on. With stay dry inners, they're a bit kinder to my kids' bums as well, so I like that, although I've made a pile of stay dry boosters for all my flats too.
    It's really easy to get the fit right with MCNs. With flats it can take a bit more of a wriggle, but I'm pretty pro at that by now, so you probably are too.

    Night times I find the bulk is the same. At the Grandparents' DD2 sleeps in a flat with a flannelette flat folded inside that acts as a booster, and the bulk is no different to her MCN night nappies.
  6. Flats or MCNs? Advice please


    Re: Flats or MCNs? Advice please

    Thanks girls!
    Really interesting to hear your different opinions.
    I've found a place that rents out a bunch of different MCNs so I might give that a go once we're out of the new born stage.
    Though it sounds like the main advantage is ease of putting on and like luna moth I found I became pretty good at that after a while, DH never felt as confident getting the fit right though.
    Probably worth a try.