Colic - Tried & tested relief...

thread: Colic - Tried & tested relief...

  1. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    Colic - Tried & tested relief...

    Here's a sticky where I we can post our tried & tested colic relief for others. I will add at the bottom of this post some links to previous posts regarding colic for all those new Mums searching for answers

    Feel free to respond what has been working for your baby, that way we can combine our research.

    Don't forget to check out the main site's articles for help with babies in articles such as Baby Massage and The Crying Game

  2. Colic - Tried & tested relief...



    the only thing that seems to settle my colicky 10 week old is bouncing on a gym ball with him! brilliant!
  3. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    the only thing that seems to settle my colicky 10 week old is bouncing on a gym ball with him! brilliant!
    I second that one - it was our saviour!
  4. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    These links don't appear to work....
    I was told by the sleep school yesterday that my baby appears to have colic. So I thought I would check this out for more info...
  5. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    I too was interesting in these links as my MCHN thinks my 5 week old bub has colic. Really need some good info on how to cope with it atm.
  6. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    My first daughter was a colicky baby. Wow, what a way to start parenting! :eek:
    We found that bouncing her was a good way to soothe her, but we could only keep that up for so long. Wearing your baby in a sling or snugli is also supposed to help a lot. She was always happy in there. But again, eventually, she had to come out. We tried the car rides, running the vacuum cleaner, warm baths, peppermint tea, cutting out half of my diet, etc. etc. No great long term fix.
    Finally we took her to the chiropractor at 6 weeks, and that improved things quite a bit for us. I'd say about 60% better. I never would have thought that it would help, but I saw some papers on chiropractic care for colicky babies at our chiropractors office, and I thought, why not try it? They are VERY gentle, and our chiropractor treats his clients' children for free, so we had nothing to lose. If you have a chiropractor, I would definitely look into taking your colicky baby there. It saved us a fair bit of sleep.
    If you have a fussy baby, hang in there! It will get better! Make sure you get help, and get out at least occasionally. It's a long, and stressful time, but it will improve.
  7. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    I was just about to post about colic and Chiropractors. We took our now 5 week old bub to the chiro last week and her symptoms have improved out of sight. She had a problem with her lower back and they gently manipulated it for her, now she moves much more freely. It's not a miracle but it does give some relief, it is so heartbreaking not to be able to comfort your baby when she has colic.
    We are very luck in Ballarat to have a dedicated childrens chiropratic clinic, they are very very thorough and very gentle. We will return to the chiro this week for a follow up and see how things are going. But I believe I have a much happier baby now. Which means a much happier Mummy and Daddy too
  8. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    Girls those links we had earlier won't help because they have been culled because they hadn't been looked at in a few months.

    I will give you some of the tips that were included in those links and hopefully some Mum's will add what has helped them;

    1. 10-20mls of cooled boiled water. Around room temperature. This helps push wind out.

    2. Massage, this is amazing in helping push out those bubbles that get stuck. Check out the link in the first post to the article on the main site.

    3. Most Mum's have found that different products work for some babies better than others ones that have been mentioned are:
    Marina's Mixture
    Brauer's Colic Drops (homeopathic)
    Gripe Water
    *I found with Matilda that one would work for a few goes and then not work as well the next time, so I would try something else out.

    4.Positioning them, holding them with their bellies pressed down on something, so laying with their bellies on your arm & their head in the crook of your embow, rubbing their backs to help relieve the pressure. Keeping them on an incline, in a sling such as the Hug-a-bub.

    5. As mentioned earlier, chiropractic care has been known to help relief the pain of colic.

    Any other ones to add?
  9. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    Thanks Christy!!
    I've never heard about the 10-20mls boiled water! I'll try that one. When should you give this to baby?
    Pinky McKay gave me some advice; and said that I should carry baby in an upright carrier in the afternoons for a while.
  10. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    I have been using 'Infants Friend' for Charlie and this seems to work better for him than Infacol - although I think he liked the taste of Infacol better.

    With the Infacol he was still in pain trying to get the burps or farts out - but the 'Infants Friend' seems to soothe his little tummy.

    Don't use if you can't stand the smell of aniseed though!

    Obviously I am not a medical practioner - I was hoping someone else on here would have some info about the product - if anyone else has used it I would love to know what you experience has been
  11. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    are these hammocks the same as baby slings?

  12. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    No Ann the hammocks are instead of a bassinet or cradle. If you google baby hammocks you will see them
  13. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    Sorry to butt in, but Emily (Fraser)...where do you get Infants Friend? I'd like to give it a try & currently use Infacol...
  14. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    Only things i found to work was the bolied water, 10mls 3 times a day just before a feed, I also use Brauers colic relief and i changed to Karicare infant formula.

    Now Chelsea seems much more settled and she burps easier now too and SLEEPS!! She was really bad for the first 5 days and id be on the phone at 3am to meternal health asking what to try and they were the ones that recommended the water. A warm bath sometimes helped as well.
  15. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    My little girl suffered with colic from about 3 weeks, I read about colief and decided to try it, within 24 hours the colic was gone. She still suffers a lot with wind but no pain and crying. She is now 13 weeks so hoping to be able to wean her off it. For me this product was a miracle after trying so many other things.
  16. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    I found that DD only got colic when I gave her a bottle if I was working, having a drink etc. We tried different types of bottles. Avent were terrible, NUK were ok, best were MAM. I was surprised as it seems most people use Avent and I'd never heard of MAM until a friend recommended them for colic. They made bottle feeding a much easier experience!
  17. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    Sorry to butt into the thread, I just saw something interesting and I have to ask a question!!

    Jentak, regarding the bottles - is this because they are different shapes and don't let as much out as others? This is a very interesting thing to know so I'm very curious (can you tell that I'm absolutely clueless? haha).
  18. Colic - Tried & tested relief...


    Can I say drugs? ROFL

    Don't be afraid to talk to your doctor, don't feel like a failure and get the help you need when you need it!