Gosh it is hard.
thread: Gosh it is hard.
July 2nd, 2013 08:39 PM
July 2nd, 2013 08:43 PM
Gosh it is hard.
I've heard Bowen therapy can help or Chiro? Sounds tough hope you both get some relief soon.
July 2nd, 2013 08:51 PM
DD1 had really, really bad reflux. We did chiro. I can't 100% say if it helped, as I'm not sure what she would have been like long-term without it, but she was happy to go and I was going anyway....
It seems like you're doing all the things I did. Have you raised the head end of his bed? One thing I did notice, was that she seemed to settle a lot easier after a bottle of EBM than an actual BF, so we would do this last feed at night. She seemed heaps less windy after it.
July 2nd, 2013 08:58 PM
My kids all got bad wind if I ate sugar when they were breastfed. Can you try a few days sugar free? Obviously every kid is different, but worth a shot if nothing else is working.
July 2nd, 2013 09:06 PM
Oh I feel for you, it is so hard. Both of my babies have had shocking wind and silent reflux. Have you tried a heat pack, mildly heated for his wind? Warm baths, massage? Unfortunately I found no miracles either and both just grew out of it. Lots of cycling in between feeds and burping after feeds. I also was told that lying baby on one side for five mins and then rolling to the other side for five mins helps the wind to make its way out. My refluxy babies loved the ergo, what sort of carrier have you tried? Dairy, wheat and sugar were bad ones for wind and reflux in my babies. Good luck, I hope you find something that works.
July 2nd, 2013 09:11 PM
Oh another thing I just thought of, how is your letdown? Supply? I had oversupply and a powerful letdown with DS which can cause wind. I've heard the foremilk can make for reflux and wind so I did block feeding which did help a lot. I would feed from the one side any time bub wanted to feed in a four hr block so that he was getting the creamy hind milk which wasn't so wind inducing and then swap to the other side for the next four hour block. If you have a powerful letdown you could hand express a little when letdown occurs so that bub isn't having to gulp a lot, taking in more air. Smaller feeds more often can help with reflux and elevating the head end of the bed.
July 2nd, 2013 09:17 PM
Hi Kazzo,
I totally get it! I have 2 refluxers - my son (15 months) spewer and my daughter (almost 4 years) silent. They are both still medicated. If i had a magic fix then I would tell you. It does get better (but takes time). Often dosage increased are needed and changes in medications used. I am a volunteer for RISA - reflux infants support association. We have forums for our a members and a facebook page. They have been a great support for me. A good paediatrician who is knowledgeable in reflux is a great start and also go easy on yourself, a reflux bub is very different to other babies and how they behave, sleep and settle.
July 4th, 2013 12:44 PM
Sorry to read this KAzzo, it is very tiring having a baby with these issues. Have you had someone check his body. Osteo and cranio??
Our little one has certainly got similiar issues going on but will take the dummy which helps relieve her a bit, we are going to osteo to get checked next week.
Sounds like you really have done everything that you can buy. I do know an awesome homoeopath if you are into trying that. She does appointments over the phone. Pm me if you want to know.
Otherwise big hugs to you both I hope he gets better soon x
July 4th, 2013 12:54 PM
We saw a pediatric osteopath. He explained how irritation to the vagus nerve can cause reflux/gastric pain problems. 3 treatments cleared it up for us.
July 4th, 2013 04:47 PM
We also see a pediatric Osteo. Dd2 has dreadful reflux and colic. We are also on losec. It's only been the last few weeks the colic has gone (she is now 6.5 months). Her reflux is still bad enough that I keep her bed head elevated and that she often wakes gasping when asleep. Even in the car (so seated). It is very hard work and rough on everyone.
I tried everything with diet, eliminating dairy and wheat, stopping all caffeine, cutting out onion and acidic foods - none of it helped her except the reduction in dairy. The most useful thing for us has been losec and Osteo.
It does get easier. I promise.
July 4th, 2013 09:58 PM
DD2 was like this and it was terrible. she had silent reflux, only diagnosed at 12 weeks for which she was medicated (Losec suspension). i also took her to an Osteo here in Melb, who specialises in Paediatric Cranial Osteopathy and the medication combined with the Osteo was a godsend. DD2 was still a hard baby but the two combined did help her. However the only thing that worked the best was time and her gut maturing.
i hate admitting it now, but i only really started enjoying her when she was about 15-16months (she turned 2 in Feb this year). but it does get better hun, hang in there
July 5th, 2013 09:18 PM
Thank you all for the support and advice. I have DS booked in to see an osteo on Wednesday. I am lucky I guess that he only really suffers during the day. He sleeps about 9 hours at night.
I was also wondering too, his fluffs really smell. When he does a too though it does not smell. I do not remember either of the girls having smelly fluffs. Is it normal considering he is bf?
Those that suggested sugar free. Do you mean all sugar or foods high in sugar in follies and cakes. I looked at so things and so much food has sugar in it.
You know what, everyone talks about missing certain foods when pregnant. With a reflux and colic bubba you are restricted heaps more.